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Oldschool Px Trialskings Vid Found


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I found an old random cd when clearing my room up, had a quick look on it and found a trialskings vid i hadn't seen in ages, and don't remember seeing in any of the threads with old 'kings vids in recently.

I've uploaded it along with a few of the other old tk vids here The vid is called HD1.mpeg :)

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danny has a deal with 24seven.

james hyland is a competition monster, when he actually rides.

adam burns had a bad back or he got married. or both

steven howes? :donno:

dave finney :donno:

apparantly rumour had it a long while back that steven howes lost his way with drugs? maybe? dunno!

adam burns had a bad back, but i remember someone saying he DIDNT get married int end. someone will clear it up? nadine maybe?

all that needs to be said is -

"dude, y'onli lef a darkie on 'is 'elmet"

"o, f**k!"

classic trialskings commentary.


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The best thing about that vid was that there wasn't one sidehop in there. Thats all trials is about nowadays. Sidehop this sidehop that. Whats wrong with spins, nose hops, backwards manuels etc. Bring back old school trials.

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The best thing about that vid was that there wasn't one sidehop in there. Thats all trials is about nowadays. Sidehop this sidehop that. Whats wrong with spins, nose hops, backwards manuels etc. Bring back old school trials.

I definatly agree there, way to many vids of just big sidehops and taps. Very good yes, but very boring after a while.

Edited by jay119
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apparantly rumour had it a long while back that steven howes lost his way with drugs? maybe? dunno!

adam burns had a bad back, but i remember someone saying he DIDNT get married int end. someone will clear it up? nadine maybe?

all that needs to be said is -

classic trialskings commentary.


this drugs thing would be true ;)

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The best thing about that vid was that there wasn't one sidehop in there. Thats all trials is about nowadays. Sidehop this sidehop that. Whats wrong with spins, nose hops, backwards manuels etc. Bring back old school trials.

Um... well, you're quite mistaken there. Spins, backward manuals and other bmx-esque moves only really pushed on to the scene in the last few years. Obviously depending on how new you are to the sport, 'old school' varies from rider to rider but in general (and I haven't been on the scene for a couple of years now so maybe I'm wrong) I always saw the bmx'y stuff as new school. Old school stuff was the same sidehops and gaps and whatnot but just, er, 'shittier' than they are now because of whatever reason - bike geometry, progression, etc.

I remember d.loading that video. It was after a massive break from TK long videos cos James stopped making them for whatever reason. It was like omgomg skip drop and all that. Still an amazing video, actually.

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danny has a deal with 24seven.

james hyland is a competition monster, when he actually rides.

adam burns had a bad back or he got married. or both

steven howes? :donno:

dave finney :donno:

adam burn still does actually ride and does demos with chris swollow every now and again, didn't get married.

steven howes.. i dont think anyone knows - shame though

dave finney used to work with danny at halfords, as far as i know hes gone back to college, and stoped riding... (N)

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I'm amazed no-one's watched HD1, Toxicity and Otherside and complained that you can't do that sort of stuff on 24" bikes. Seems interesting how they used to do it on old Zebdis, yet now, people reckon you can't do "street" riding like that unless it's 24". Ah well... Classic videos all the same.

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