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July 7/7 One Year On.


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One year on from the 7/7 bombings in london i seem to be thinking about it alot.

Please post your thoughts, and opinions on this topic here, what were you thinking when it happened, how did you find out, what do you think now.

The way i found out was..

I was out at lunch break in school, with some mates just chilling out by some stairs, and another friend came up to us and said ' Oh my god, Londons been bombed' and we were looking at the news update on her phone, and we all thought it was like, a bomb from a plane that had been dropped , and we were discussing it, and then i turned my news service on on my phone and about 5 minutes later i got another one, saying another bomb had exploded and people were seriously injured.

and then, we got another, we saw the teachers and they weren't so bothered, we asked them if it was true (because they had a tv.) and they said yes, and just ignored us, and carried on as normal, all day i could not concentrate on work, i was too buy thinking about the poor fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters that were in the bombings and what there familys must be thinking right now.

i got home, and stayed infront of News 24 for almost 6 hours solid, just watching, and thinking, i dont even think i took any of it in, i was just about, staring at the tv screen and thinking.

One year on i am thinking baout this day, and all the people that got injured and died, and thinking of tier familys and what they must be going through. That is what inspired me to write this post.

Please post your comments here.

Thankyou to the wonderful paramedics and police and firemen and women that saved so many lives that day. Thankyou to the brave news reporters, going so close to the scenes, not knowing of another bomb was going to kill them or not that showed Britain what happened.

This is in memory of the people that died in the 7/7 bombings.

Edited by Weeble
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At home , having just got back from down south. Although I must remind you that people die everyday and I do think that some consideration should be given to these people but also to all the others like the soldiers that die and go unnoticed and such like.



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I feel sorry for all those affected by this tragic event, a big old well done to all those that helped to save those that they could.

We had a 2 minute silence today at school , the disrespect of some kids is just rediculous and i was disappointed in those people, but hey there are some stupid people out there.

I was at school in a science class, and someone got a text on there phone from there mum, none the less we were all shitting our selves, mainly because our mates dad was down in london that day, thankfully he wasn't near the bombings , but i can say not just from myself but from all the trials community our heart goes out to those lost on that tragic day last year .

R.I.P folkes.

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At home , having just got back from down south. Although I must remind you that people die everyday and I do think that some consideration should be given to these people but also to all the others like the soldiers that die and go unnoticed and such like.



Yeah I agree it's always tragic when the innocent die. I think we should also consider the innocent people killed by the British and American Governments(sp) in the war on Iraq (ie. the innocent civillians) which I think is partly to blame for this kind of thing.


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Yeah I agree it's always tragic when the innocent die. I think we should also consider the innocent people killed by the British and American Governments(sp) in the war on Iraq (ie. the innocent civillians) which I think is partly to blame for this kind of thing.


I'm not condoning the civilian deaths in Iraq (or any other war for that matter) but there's a world of difference between accidentally blowing up the wrong building during a war and deliberately blowing up a train full of civillians on their way to work.

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Yeah I agree it's always tragic when the innocent die. I think we should also consider the innocent people killed by the British and American Governments(sp) in the war on Iraq (ie. the innocent civillians) which I think is partly to blame for this kind of thing.


Yeah, but you never know if they really are innocent, because the press twists things, and like, those kids that got beaten up by our soldiers were throwing big rocks and petrol bombs at the soldiers.

But yeah , the innocent ones deserve to be remembered, thinking of this.

Remember not so long ago when on the tube that brazillian immigrant was shot 7 times in the head and he didnt even have a bomb?

The police were watching his closly because he was an immigrant anyway so how could he have had a bomb? :sleeping:

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I remember being at work and at first someone told me there had been a power surge and a subsequent explosion in the underground :S i think that's what some people thought it was at first. Then news came through of there being the exploded bus, and i shat myself because my dad was delivering near there (he was half way back up the M1 when the explosion happened though)

Bloody scary day for commuters there. What's the world coming to.


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Yeah you can't trust the media they do lie and twist things to suit their own agendas.

All I meant was that there are a lot more innocent deaths that are not given much attention because they are not so close to home. And I think Bush and Blair are the real terrorists.

Probably a bit controversial(sp) but just my opinion.

Cheers (Y)

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Doing the same as the thounsands of other office workers who dont fight in the army. They have a tough job and yet we may not agree with their decisions, they have to make them. I think they are both CO*KS but I respect them because it isnt an easy job sending men out there knowing they will / could not come back.

Back to topic though people.

Edited by CBProductions
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