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If you lift up the edge of the sticker, and get some petrol on a cloth, and dab it around. it should peel of. If you don't have any spare petrol, WD-40 will do. But doing this can make the paint on your frame bubble.

Otherwise, get a hairdryer and keep it on the sticker, Which makes the glue soften up. So it's a hell of a lot easier to peel off. Or reverse effect, if you warm up the frame if you get new stickers it makes the sticker stick 10 times better.


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I just peel them off. Then if there's any marks just get a cloth and put some elbow grease into it and rub what's left off.

Try pouring boiling water over it, melts the glue. ;)

Edited by JT!
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If you lift up the edge of the sticker, and get some petrol on a cloth, and dab it around. it should peel of. If you don't have any spare petrol, WD-40 will do. But doing this can make the paint on your frame bubble.

Otherwise, get a hairdryer and keep it on the sticker, Which makes the glue soften up. So it's a hell of a lot easier to peel off. Or reverse effect, if you warm up the frame if you get new stickers it makes the sticker stick 10 times better.

He knows his shit, he's got a custom sticker company. Many call him the "Barry Scott" of the sticker world. :turned:

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Are you mad J. That stuff is dangerous its got like a half meter each side dispersial range. I was cleaning my sideboards and found it melting through my microwave. My Microwave is on the other side of the kitchen. Took the paint right off.


Sure you didnt pour some caustic soda over it?

Cillit bang will not remove paint from a microwave...

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It's a SHODY microwave the paint is like waterpaint or something. im shure the thing try's to melt it's slef when you use it.

Haha i love random crap like that :D

Sounds like your microwave needs a baked potato wrapped in tin foil jobby...

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i have tryed peeling them off, but they are really old stickers, tomorrow after school im gonna put a hairdryer on it, then nail varnish and then use some elbow grease on the bad boys.

Hopefully that will sort it.


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