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Tartybikes Catalogue

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I was just thinking about a Tartybikes catalogue, some people may think this is stupid, but i think that it would be a good idea for people who do not have the internet. Maybe a Tartybikes catalogue could include pictures of events and riders. They could have a page of different places in the uk which are good for trials. Stuff like that. Just an idea. Hope you like it , would be good if Tarty made this. B)

Thanks (Y)

Edited by chris121
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cheers mate, it obliviosly wouldnt be as big as a argos catalogue but something with a few pages in, just showing the different parts, Tartybikes would have to comment on the price of it , but it wouldnt be much i wouldnt think. I would deffineatly have one. Saves people looking on the internet. (Y)


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Look at the bigger picture.

Pay someone to design it, that costs a lot. Printing against costs a shed load, depending on the format of the catologue you decide on. Then the cost of sending it out.

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Look at the bigger picture.

Pay someone to design it, that costs a lot. Printing against costs a shed load, depending on the format of the catologue you decide on. Then the cost of sending it out.

then there's the rate deng brings new bits out to consider...

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I think that would be really good, but it wouldn't be cheap, they would have to charge afew quid at least for it i suppose, but if you're ordering a load of stuff then i suppose thats not alot.

I allways like just lookingt through catalogues though for something to catch my fancy.


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Dosent take much to pick up the phone and say "What do you have in the way of X components".

I'm assuming they advertise in MBUK or some other magazines, do they?

And its not really like argos where they have thousands of items making a catalouge, tartybikes only has a few hundred at the most. Pretty much all of tartybikes market, teenage boys use the internet regularly, and i hardly ever read so their website is probably more effective.

Oh, and what is it with newbies obsession with tartybikes? Never quite understood that one.

Edited by adamtrials
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Look at the bigger picture.

Pay someone to design it, that costs a lot. Printing against costs a shed load, depending on the format of the catologue you decide on. Then the cost of sending it out.

You need to put that up against how many people would actually buy the mag, its easier to either just go on the internet or pick up the phone if you don't have the internet.

So chances are they wouldn't sell enough copies of the magazine for them to make a profit and keep the mag going. Plus trials isn't that big of a sport.

Edited by Barber
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I'd like to have one myself, for browsing, but i'd imagine i'd get bored quickly and the cost really makes it a non starter I guess....

I dno't know about newbie's, but any time i've been in touch with adam or dave, they have both been as helpful as they can, infact, I should have called them today to hound them about when they are getting the Try-all freewheel's in.....

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Maybe an annual one with expected stock intakes. But to be honest its not worth it. I know evans cycles send me a magazine every so often which I wipe my arse with so its pretty useless to a lot of people unless they regularly use tart
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Oh, and what is it with newbies obsession with tartybikes? Never quite understood that one.

Perhaps because newbies are mostly teenage lads who live by the computer and Tarty Bikes has a really good website, also their almost 24 hour Helpline, Dave once phoned me at 12:30 ish am when i sent him an email about a knackered hub.


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Perhaps because newbies are mostly teenage lads who live by the computer and Tarty Bikes has a really good website, also their almost 24 hour Helpline, Dave once phoned me at 12:30 ish am when i sent him an email about a knackered hub.


Hmm, thats a pretty good reason...

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Its a good idea mate but there really isn't much point in it. People who don't use the internet wouldn't know about it so there wouldn't be much point as they would update there site more and we would have to pay about £1 for nothing really.

And as said above, the mag wil cost a bomb for what it is!

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Yeah there really is dozens of reaons against it, and only one reason to support it, which could be 'it would be nice'.

They don't have enough time as it is, not to mention putting time, money and effort into it. Besides, no one would pay for one. Becuase everyone had the net now anyway.

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Not to mention their ever-changing prices? Anyways, now they've got an ad in MBUK, I'm guessing they've covered all their basics. It's pretty unlikely that anyone would either not have the internet or not use MBUK, but want to speak to Tartybikes, if you get me? Just 'cos they wouldn't know about them otherwise...

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It's good idea but wouldn;t work

Look at how fast and often the stuff they stock is chnaging, stuff stops and newer stuff in

The website is free for us which rock and is updated rapidly. Catalogs are hard to do and costly even in mass orders.

What you have to think about is the product update...for ref take a look @ Route one and how often they have a newer catalog out

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