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What's The Difference?


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Hey Guys, I'm just looking about at stuff and searched eBay for "eno freewheel" and came up with these two, 1st 2nd and I just wanted to know the difference, and if one is better that the other? (If so, what one?)

Also, would one of these be the best freewheel to go for? Or is the tensile one any better?

Thanks, Anf.

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One is 16T, one is 18T...all depends on your current gear ratio, most mod riders I imagine have 16T up front?

Nein. Almost all mod riders run 18t freewheels up front. The blue lockring'd Eno in that pic has 2 sets of 2 pawls, I believe, whereas the green lockring'd, full fat Trials Eno has 2 sets of 3 pawls, and gives you 72 clicks rather than 36 clicks. The Trials one is the better option, basically. I think the driveshell's beefed up a little too, although I'm not 100% about that...

I really like my Eno, but if you want to keep it cheap, the Tensile's a super, super good option. I ran the proto one for several months and had absolutely no trouble at all. Solid engagement, caged bearings (not fully open, easier to service :)), etc. - a good product (Y) Bit slimmer as well if clearance is an issue with your setup too (Y)

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The blue lockring'd Eno in that pic has 2 sets of 2 pawls, I believe, whereas the green lockring'd, full fat Trials Eno has 2 sets of 3 pawls, and gives you 72 clicks rather than 36 clicks. The Trials one is the better option, basically. I think the driveshell's beefed up a little too, although I'm not 100% about that...

Dosn't the standard eno have 1 set of 3 pawls?

If it had 2 sets it would have 72 ep's wouldn't it. :S

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Different driveshells?

it's a 3 pawl mechanism on the 36 ep version according to the WI site so I'd guess 1 set of 3.

on a vaguely related note, has anyone used WI hubs for trials? the eccentric ones struck me as a sensible idea for stocks if you want to go single speed. maybe they're lacking EPs

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