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So I’m currently in the process of getting into trials riding, I’m into a few other things too, rock climbing, skiing and snowboarding among them.

It strikes me watching videos of people doing cool stuff on trials bikes, snowboards or whatever, that I’m not that good at any of the things that I do (except maybe the shagging :D )

Now is this because I don’t stick to just one thing?

Do people get to be talented trials riders because they’re really single-minded and just stick to that one thing?

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I've got to agree with unicycle boy here, you can certainly do alot of sports and still be good at all of them. If you put time and effort into your riding then theres no reason you won't get better. In fact your other sports will probably help, especially with things such as endurance, balance and confidence. Just keep at it and you'll be improving in no time.

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I've been riding about 2 years and I'd definately call myself a trials rider now, even though there are still much better riders who blow me away. I'm usually far too busy for my own good with other things and I generally only get to ride a couple of hours a week, but I've always kept improving with about that amount of time input.

Anyway the main thing is that you do it because enjoy it, and it kinda follows that you will always develop your technique naturally :)

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  python_man said:

i think it helps if you ride with people because then you can push eachother to do bigger and better thinks you get better quicker i think :blink:(Y)

this guy has got the idea, normally im super shite when i ride on my own. But when i ride with other people, i become a little less shite, and lots more confident

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I also think It's important not to be put off by the percieved diffuculty of what your doing. I found most trials moves seemed impossible to begin with. I've since found that if you just keep trying you do improve and you'll soon find yourself succeding where you once failed.

I also think that other sports and activities often do benefit your riding as it can help you approach the situation from another perspective.

Just my opinion (Y)

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I do a number of things not just trials. The reason i believe i've gotten good at the sport is because of what unicycle boy said, "spending time practicing". Also the people you ride with can help you get better by them pushing you. the more time you spend doing something with people pushing you the better you will get.

hope this helps Ollie :D

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  radical rider said:

this guy has got the idea, normally im super shite when i ride on my own. But when i ride with other people, i become a little less shite, and lots more confident

its called showing off ;) nah its nice to have people push you, certianly helped me get a little better :) ive actually found riding with a complete begginer has made me ride better, as whilst im teaching him, i question my own techniques and improve :)

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Isn't it going to be the more time you spend on that activity the better you. Also the more you challenge yourself on that activity the better your going to get. So technically it's nothing to do with the amount you do but the time spent on it.

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