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well where can i start?? koxx is a fantastic bike trial company as they make (some) fantastic bikes, i haven't ridden alot of koxxs but i've rode enough to know that they are very nice bikes to ride take the xtp for an example, its one of the lightest and easily manouvarable bikes around.

but i'm not here writing to review the bikes i'm writing to ask one question........what the hell are koxx doing?

what i mean by that is look at the new frame by koxx its merely a fashion statement it looks different so people will buy it its same for the monsterboy just because it looks nice it doesn't mean it rides nice!

trial isn't about the look color stickers on a bike its how the bike is to feel if i had a crappy paint job somebody would more than likely contradict the way or performance of my riding, if i was stood next to a guy with a better looking bike than mines somebody would prefer to see him ride rather than me.

i know its nice to have a good looking bike but when i gets as intense as creating a frame for looks like koxx did it gets stupid.

does anyone agree with me that trials is based on looks rather than riding or do i stand alone (as per usual :unsure: )

thanks for reading folks :rolleyes:


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What koxx bikes are u referring to, the new concept 26", or just the new bikes in general?

I personally like the monsterboy, and it looks to have a nice geometry, but then there isn't alot to go from until it's been ridden.

Even though trials as you say is about how you ride not the look of your bike, it is still nice to have a good looking bike aswell as it having a nice geometry. I think now alot of the frame makes are looking at more different and special designs in order to improve over older ones in which case alot of the newer frames may not appeal to everyone but its all in order of finding the better designs from the others, well that is my view anyway.

Edited by huck_it
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Fair point I suppose, but how do you know that the new Koxx doesn't ride well? It might have been designed to look different but that doesn't mean it can't ride nicely. How do you know it's been purely created for looks? They might just be trying out new design features and it may still ride well. Bit of a contradiction really as you are on about people judging bikes on their looks, and then that is what you have just done with the koxx :S

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Bit of a contradiction really as you are on about people judging bikes on their looks, and then that is what you have just done with the koxx :S

Have to completely agree with this, you just judged the newest koxx frame on looks, for all you know it could feel amazing... and the monsterboy, many people are riding that now and from what i have read they seem happy with the geometry...

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Koxx are just trying innovative knew designs to try and progress the sport of trials. If no-one stuck there neck out once in a while to try something different there would be no variety in the trials parts you can buy today. Admittedly it is important to produce a good looking frame, but i'm sure koxx design their frames on function first and then asthetics.


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You dont like them?

Then dont buy them.

Simple as that.

Its not like they are spending the taxpayers money on developing these frames,

so what does it matter to you?

Do you wear designer clothes?

Koxx are like the designer clothes of the trials biking world.

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You dont like them?

Then dont buy them.

Simple as that.

Its not like they are spending the taxpayers money on developing these frames,

so what does it matter to you?

Do you wear designer clothes?

Koxx are like the designer clothes of the trials biking world.


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If you mean the stock white thing i love it as no one ahs had the gut to make it. yeah Ali did the drawings and delet with Ornage on it but Koxx have pionered it by making it

How ever they do need to start thinking a bit about frame building and warranty

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your also forgettin this vital part "CONCEPT" its just liek concept cars most of them are f**king crazy but when the final released version is out its been modified i for one would like to see the concepts themselves brought out there is nothing wrong with pushing boundaries otherwise the world would stay the same

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