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My Astravan


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going off the last 3 weeks driving mne around, i reckon i'll beat anyone on here on any corner lol. And that ain't bein a big head, it's just f**kin unreal!! It's like on tramlines and it just won't slip from the route you wanna take round the bend!!! OOO la laaaaa haha

And Wayne, Are you paid to have the aire valley wraps on the van???

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i reckon waynios van woudl have you chris

hes got a coilover kit so kinda helps handling better than my std susp, with just lowering springs.

im sure you will let us all know how ur 'ring trip goes. (Y)

new top speed: 140mph (approx as clocks aint too accurate)

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haha chris you just dont get it.

i dont use "shit suspension" and shit lowering springs. i use £500.00 worth of FK suspension, haha, and if im brutally honest, my van would really suprise you round any track and alot of stuff round corners.

JTM i dont do 150mph "EVERY" day, i did it a couple of times, to see what i could get.

we'll see, it has suprised STI WRX turbo with 280 bhp and 4 wd!!!! :lol::- thats round corners AND in a straight line.

if you use "standard" suspension with lowering springs, like buck has done, WITH a more powerful engine than an XE you will kill yourself. anything with more than 200hp you need better suspension and its the suspension that makes the car handle, aswell as the tyres.

my handbrake and cornering skills were 2nd to none yesterday eh buck? when i flicked it round that "sharp" corner to meet mark in sainsburys???? :lol::o;)

PS weve got our own track chris, down our local place, its a ring track, come and have a do if you fancy? its perfect for racing round, OH and its fully circle NOT any straights, so according to you i couldnt really do it that fast, it would leave you with the advantage? or so you would think ;)


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you can stick all the suspesion bracing wheels and tyres you want on a van, but spend the same on a Zetec S and it will murder you. Seriously forget shitty saxos etc. Those fezzas STICK to the floor. I had standard 15s, eagle f1s all round, front lower brace and standard (its 30mm lower as standard anyway) suspension. It was so so so grippy. They are still vans at the end of the day boys :P Albeit stupidly quick ones

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How do i know? Theyre not saying a ZS would handle badly though, its a small light car with a nippy 1600 in it, and IMO is more fun to drive than a serious well handling car. I think you seriously underestimate vans though, theyre not alot longer than your average saloon.

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iv driven a Zetec S and i have owned a fiesta before. the handling is good, but being honest my van handles so much better, but to me its what im used to, i can push my van to the limits just like anyone else can push their cars to the limits. so its each to their own. i dont have strut brases or anything to make mine handle "loads" better apart from the suspension.

"its just a van" and thats what i like best (when me,mark and bucky are parked having a chat) i bet to others around they look and think, god 3 lads in vasn BAH!!!!then you start them all up and they sound like they do ;) i think people start worrying, as iv said before, you (chris) pull up side of a zetec s and have a race, he knows what your running, i pull up, he hasnt the foggiest (and he thinks "oh just another diesel astra van), and the best part is, i can toy with him, just sit with him in 3rd/4th and then off she pops, and it makes fo"r conversation when he catches up.

The best was yesterday, me and buck had a do, i blew a boost pipe off, running 20psi, (doesnt sound alot) but trust me the BANG it made!!!sounded like a piston had just gone to the centre of the earth. me and bucky in the lay by laughing and joking and repairing it, then did it again like straight after, was sooooo funny, people watching and coppers passing by to entertain ourselves we played see who could run across the bypass (Y):) which was good fun. (good job it wasnt busy!!!)

You should come to Bingley chris, il show you this bit of a "track" and we'll have a go round it, its quite funny, loads of people have been there before and iv never been till last night. and it looks spot on for people having a bit of a drift or a race round.


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  Waynio said:

You should come to Bingley chris, il show you this bit of a "track" and we'll have a go round it, its quite funny, loads of people have been there before and iv never been till last night. and it looks spot on for people having a bit of a drift or a race round.


Where abouts in Bingley is that Wayne?


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Its not the size im bothered about. Its a good dam van! ALL the weight is at the front. I know these lads want to be different, but it seems that they are more bothered about beating people in a stright line and surprising them. The money and effort they have spent they could have started with a good car in the first place! Do we all agree that if you want to buy a car and mod it with the intention of being as fast and as good handling as possible, a van isnt the way to go?! Still, they are mental vehicles, and I have respect for what they have achieved.

Dont take this as me not liking you boys, I love you yorkshire twats :P Were discussing as opposed to argueing!!!

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But why get 5 seats and a load of safety padding and loads of extra weight that you dont need? And if you get a 'decent' car then people expect it to be fast. People complain about XE'd corsas saying 'shoulda put it in a better car' but thats the point. you stick a good engine in a shit car and just drive round embarrasing people.

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I think its just the idea of doing something different John. As Wayne said, nobody really expects anything from a van, where as if you pull up in a car thats well known for being quick, people are already going to presume you've got something to show, and as such, won't be so impressed.

I don't know the exact details of Wayne or Bucky's setups, but to buy the engines and literally do a straight swap doesn't actually cost that much if you do it all yourself. Wayne's is only more expensive 'cos he's literally using the best he can get, ie FK coilovers, GSI front bumper etc.

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bucky and wayne are particularly ugly john. uglier than you even, so they have to make even more faster cars than the average fast car to stand any chance getting a bird. They are hidious humans and have basically nothing going for them, so give them a bit of credit with these tanks they made. They don't really have much to live for. Don't mentally finish them john, you'd not live with yourself!

They need to get the sheep in the backs too yo see, thats why they have vans. Living in farm land in the yourkshire dales, a car wouldn't suffice!!!

have i got the jist of things boys??? thats essentially your reasons innit??


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  JTM said:

no but have they driven a Zs?

driven plenty, some in std form and some with various extra's on.

they felt nice to drive to say they're just a fiesta.

  BONGO said:

They need to get the sheep in the backs too yo see, thats why they have vans. Living in farm land in the yourkshire dales, a car wouldn't suffice!!!

have i got the jist of things boys??? thats essentially your reasons innit??


nail on the head (Y)

where the heck is this track your blabbing on about waynio??

u like those back roads i whooped you on earilier?? :P

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  Waynio said:

"its just a van" and thats what i like best (when me,mark and bucky are parked having a chat) i bet to others around they look and think, god 3 lads in vasn BAH!!!!then you start them all up and they sound like they do ;) i think people start worrying, as iv said before, you (chris) pull up side of a zetec s and have a race, he knows what your running, i pull up, he hasnt the foggiest (and he thinks "oh just another diesel astra van), and the best part is, i can toy with him, just sit with him in 3rd/4th and then off she pops, and it makes fo"r conversation when he catches up.


That is exactly why i want a mini with a 1.6 vtec in! doesn't look like much but will beat most things off the line

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