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T-pro Or T-mag


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I started trials about 2 years ago and have decided to start again. I used to have an Onza T-pro '04. I was wondering whether to start back on the original, T-Pro, or, go for the T-Mag. I was also wondering if anyone had ridden both of these bikes, which bike rides best?

Cheers Twiggy. (Y)

Edited by Twiggy199
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For starters i ride an onza t pro 04 and my mate rides a onza t mag 05. I personally think that he t pro rides better than the t mag as the t mag has a heavy front, it is too short and the bike is just heavy compared to the t pro. Although the t mag comes with all the fancy parts and looks better it doesn't mean it is. As they say it's not the tools you use, it's how you use them!

Well it isn't up to me is it, it is what you feel most comfortable on. If i was you i would try to get a go on both bikes to see what you prefer. Good luck mate i hope you do well.

Cheers BIG L (Y)

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(Y) Thanks

yeah, i guess i should try both bikes, i used to have the '04 Onza T-Pro and i loved it. I was reading a thread the other day and some say the T-Mag is not as good as a T-Pro even in value for money. Tarty bikes say "The best value for money 20" trials bike in the World? We think so!"(T-Pro)

"The second best value for money 20" trials bike in the World? We think so!"(T-Mag)

Cheers Twiggy (Y)

Edited by Twiggy199
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hi there, iv just upgraded from t-pro to t-mag and think the t-mag is waay better.Although it is alot shorter i find it easier to flick about a little easier...but im still getting used to it yet as i only got it yesterday :P but i do like the t-mag and with an armadillo on it it wont get dented either.

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hi there, iv just upgraded from t-pro to t-mag and think the t-mag is waay better.Although it is alot shorter i find it easier to flick about a little easier...but im still getting used to it yet as i only got it yesterday :P but i do like the t-mag and with an armadillo on it it wont get dented either.

it can but just not where you armadilo is, top tube, chain stays etc.

Edited by matt!
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I had a T-pro for about 2 years and loved it. I found it was easy to learn new moves on, and was quite easy to flick around. In my opinion I prefer the looks of the T-pro compared to the T-mag aswell, it has a good overall finish to it. (Y)

Edited by huck_it
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I far prefer the ride of the T-Pro. Maybe get one of them if you're after a new bike, then use the money you've saved by not getting the T-Mag to upgrade some bits 'n' bobs?

Certain very nice trials shops have been known to do t-pro frames with t-mag spec for the same price as a t-mag if you phone up and ask nicely enough.

Either bike is going to be front heavy because of the standard forks - they weigh about the same as the frame.

New forks should be one of the first upgrades to make

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i've got a t-mag. i would say its worth investing in a good freewheel (maybe Tensile or if ENO if your loaded haha). I was on my third freewheel (cheap and cheerful) in about 3 months of getting my t-mag.

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