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Left Or Right?


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Hey guys i have been downloading and watching quite a few trials videos from here and other sites.

I was wondering what foot do people use to pedal kick as i know most of the riders in my area use their right foot.

But what really bugged me is why is there so many trials riders who pedal kick with their left foot and the majority are better than right footed kickers but don't get me wrong there is many many good right footed kickers out there.

Me, i use my right to pedal kick i am pretty good. And does left footed kicking give you any advantage or is it just the majority are left footed kickers?

Any help appreciated Cheers BIG L (Y)

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I thought the majority of rider were right foot forwards :S Neither really gives you any advantage, except if you're right foot forward you sidehop to your non-mech side. I'm left foot forwards but would prefer to be right as it would give me more peace of mind on sidehops etc.

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I thought the majority of rider were right foot forwards :S Neither really gives you any advantage, except if you're right foot forward you sidehop to your non-mech side. I'm left foot forwards but would prefer to be right as it would give me more peace of mind on sidehops etc.

I ride left foot forward, Surely being left foot forward wood help a little bit with sidehops to the right because your foot is nearer to the mech and your more lickely to land on a pedal than a mech. meh

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It's all to do with the left side of the brain being superior to the right.

Billion's of year's ago (before trials was spawned) eskimo's and elf's decided they would tamper with the human brain to make the left side far more advanced, the poor eskimo's effort's were useless and the elf's sent them to live in Iceland, when the eskimo were gone the elf's carried on with the hard work and finally made the left side better. Only a few selected people tern pro with the right foot forward's because of the chemical in print in the brain. The mischievous little elf like people were sent to the moon to live with the moon people because of their carelessness but sadly were killed off because of the lack of oxygen and the human brain was altered for eternity.

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I ride left foot forward, Surely being left foot forward wood help a little bit with sidehops to the right because your foot is nearer to the mech and your more lickely to land on a pedal than a mech. meh

Not really, because if you're right foot forwards you sidehop mainly to the left, there's no mech on the left so I'd say that way was better

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Personally i dont think being left or right footed makes you a better rider, its just which ever is your chocolate foot isn't it. When you get too good for your own good, you start using both feet which is a massive advantage in competetions as it doesnt really matter wghich foot you have forward, everybody will always be better with there chocolate foot but it is possible to get very good with your switch foot. As vincent hermance has shown us on many occassions :D;)

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I'm left foot forward but sidehop to the left, i've always thought maybe i should practice sidehopping to the right but i find it realy hard. I also thought that most people rode right foot forward, awell it's all a matter of choice i suppose. :ermm:

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Left foot forward is the way forward

I also sidehop to my left, i dont often catch my pedel though and i was sidehoping to the right for a while

But went back to the left because i could get higher and didnt want to have to go through the hold taking ages to get higher process going to the right


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