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joe b

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Well, i dont know if you know, but 99% of the time my brake is amazing. And since the other day it just decided to go poo. (N)

My coust pads were wearing at a slight angle, so i boshed them onto the bench grinder to level them up. Put them back onto my bike, and my brake was shit. I then thought 'Ah well, fresh grind will sort that out.'. Ground up and it was still crap. Started thinking 'Maybe my grind isn't very good.'. So i went back home and ground up again, and made sure, this time, that my grind was good. And my brake was still crap! :blink:

I wonder if any of you could shed some light as to why this has happened, and how it could be solved? If you could that would be excellent!

I thought maybe the bench grinder somehow contaminated the pads? Anyone...


Pissed off Joe...

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Ahhhh no. Bench grinders f**k your pads up. (N)

You have ruined your pads matey. (N)


Bummer, could you tell me why? At least i know what the f**k is wrong now. Thanks a lot :) .



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No worries their Joe!

It did the same to mine when i dragged them down Shipley Glen hill. They went real quiet and lifeless. It was just the heat and extreme friction that had caused it. I jus set up my brake again on the train, and lightly dragged it again for a bit, getting rid of any crap, and it was sorted again. (Y)

Try using a bit of water on your rim when you drag your brake, to keep the heat down?

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