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Embaressing Crahes


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As I was riding through my house, back from riding, i was going from my living to my kitchen where there lie about a 1 1/2ft step. I went to backhop hop off it into the kitchen, while my family were sitting there talking... god knows how, but i kinda missed the back brake, bike went shooting forwards accross the kitchen, narrowly missing my gran and my back landed firmly on the edge of the step... real smooth B) wat was worse was while i was rolling around on the floor in pain my family sat there laughing at me...

now then, who else has some embaressing/ridiculous bails.. own up! dont b shy muwahh

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this isn't mine but i'm gonna say it anyway.......

the other day on the ride down to town a less experienced rider was leading at the front of us on the way down a really steep hill and he sorta went a bit too fast and got worried he lost us so he turned around to look for us and crashed straight into the back of a parked car....his bars smashed the light and his head dented the side of the car :lol: .

we didn't wait to see what the guy said so we shot off as fast as possible it was soooo funny.


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I'm sure his insurance company found it hilarious.

You dont pay 2 grand a year insurence for them too be pissed off when something happens :lol:

personally if somebody hit my car and ran off i'd want to cut there bollocks off you pay your insurance and build no claims up meaning it gets cheaper and you can afford better cars etc

so have the common decence to own up about this stuff if you do it :angry:

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I was at a ride in my town of Blackpool. With some MJC guy i think Matt and some other rely good riders.I was learning how to gap hop i over pedaled and went flying off my bike. I fell on my wrist and couldn't ride for the rest of the ride. I was well embarrased because everyone made it look easy and i fell like a noob :$

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I was bunny hoping up this 3ft wall with my mates and landing on my back wheel and pedal kicking out of it. I said right last go then i'm going in, I hopped up the wall did one hop and randomly just let go of the brake, the wheel slipped back and i fell forward and smacked my nose on the handlebars :$ . It well hurt i felt well embarrased.

Cheers BIG L (Y)

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1 of my wrists was really swollen throo riding so i went out with some mates on my bike one handed with really wide bars - at about 1 mph i bumped up a kerb and got bucked right over the bars hurting my injured wrist further.... that was funny

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i sidehoped a wall earlier, didn't go my way fell onto the wall, no worries, but then i carried on falling and i rolled backwards off the wall and my arse landed in a big heap of dog shit, then i got a pinch flat trying a gap on the way home :closedeyes::closedeyes:

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i was out with a few mates who dont ride trials but i was on my bike, at the time i wasnt that good really just learning but they thought i was all great so i was trying to show off abit. and i pulleda wheelie and i was doing it up 2 a curb and i dropped the front wheeland hit the curb going over the handle bars i looked a rite tit lol

this happened to a mate. i did a drop that was about 5 foot or so nothing speacial and my mates bike was up on the ledge. and a mates girl friend said can i have a go on your bike and i said no go on his, so she did. and she got on it put to feet on the pedals and tryed to balance like i could (trackstand pritty much)and she just let the bike and her lean to one side and slowly fall over and down the drop. icouldnt stop pissin me self with laughter.

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My 'Embaressing Crah' was to wall, and then drop...Missed the wall, fell forward and over the bars and landeded about 12ft into the middle of the road. Rather fun, wasn't it Tom?

Other one was on Saturday, riding on some walls and had a few people sat about. Gapped over a set of steps, it wasnt huge, about 4ft or so and lanned pefectly on the back wheel...but it all turned slow motion when I realised the back brake wasnt on...so It manualled for about 4ft before flying off and me landing flat on my elbows.

I think what is funnier is peoples reactions when they fall over on the street or something, just how they stand up really quick, look around and make sure no one saw it, and then look at the kerb like it just appeared from nowhere.

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On a wall in town, went to pedal hop off it, hit one of the cobbles on the edge.

Had to jump off and clipped my balls slightly on the frame.*Thanks lucky stars trials frames are low*

Must have looked absoloutley stupid to anyone that was watching.

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I not got my bike yet but when i was skateboarding with my mates there was this lass so i tried to impress

( noob i know ) aha and i kickfliped off this ledge and popped a brearing and landed flat on my face!

hurt like mad and she didn't look to impressed


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oh i was riding home and me an a mate were going down the road - my brake was f**king we off cos' i had a slightly buckled wheel and so was squeeking every rotation - so i took all the tpa out so it stoped rubbing - pulled a manual outside my house was over ballencing so pulled the back brake which did.... jack shit.... lol so landed square on my ass with a mild spell of terrets

"f**k, shit, wanker, bollocks - ahhhhh fanny" looked up to hear rick laughing his head off behind me and the 2 young like 4 and 6 year old girls from next door and there 2 parents just looking at me like :lol: i appologised for my language an ran inside lol

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i sidehoped a wall earlier, didn't go my way fell onto the wall, no worries, but then i carried on falling and i rolled backwards off the wall and my arse landed in a big heap of dog shit, then i got a pinch flat trying a gap on the way home :closedeyes::closedeyes:

I've fallen loads in front of mates and people in the street, the most embarassing probably my bunnyhop-to-frontwheel-to-floor hehe.

By the way what where you doing riging in your house?!


#1 Haha i love it, you carried on riding even with dog shit on you arse.. now thats dedication

#2 Well a bike needs to get into the garden sumhow dosnt it! thought showing off to my auntie while in the process of taking it out would be neat.. little did i know id bail and look like a spoon! :D

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