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Graphics Card Artifacts


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Well i remember a while ago siders mentioned something about someones graphics cards having artifacts in. I don't know much about it so i don't really know what i'm talking about. I need a program of some sort that can search for these artifacts and destroy them, alls i know is that artifacts are a bad thing, in a graphics card sort of of way. Oh and if it helps my graphics card is an ATI RAEDON 9600.

cheers lads


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Err, well aobut that. An artifact is basically nerd talk for not 'drawing' the game properly. The main/only non OC related cause for this is that the grahics card is too poo to play the game. Which means, any artifacts you've got, are there to stay...unless you get a new card.

I think.

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awww damn :( i was about to reinstall bf2 then get xfire sorted out again so i could play again. I was just going to do a bit of maintainance on the card if i could of. Oh well. Thanks for the help anyway (Y) i'm still going to install though

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If you've not had a play around with any settings, you're either having overheating problems or your graphics card is dying.

Try cleaning the dust and crap out of the heatsink (and fan if it has one) and see if it solves your problem.

Edit: Oh I get it, you don't actually have artifacts.

In which case,



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If you've not had a play around with any settings, you're either having overheating problems or your graphics card is dying.

Try cleaning the dust and crap out of the heatsink (and fan if it has one) and see if it solves your problem.

i arn't having problems i was just doing a bit of maintainance on my computer. Its already all cleaned out, defragged, de-spywared and de-virused. Couldn't think of any correct terms there :P

Edit: Oh I get it, you don't actually have artifacts.

In which case,


Aye i just thought if i did have a problem i might as well sort it now. I wasn't entirely sure what it was all about which is another reason why i posted. :P

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This is what artefacts look like. That's one caused by the RAM overheating when I overclocked my card too much. The other type is lots of random-coloured pixels (E.g. fixed on red) all over the screen caused by the GPU overheating.

IPB Image

If you don't have either of those problems, don't worry.

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Ha ha, Tomm you knows it..... far cry rocks!

I think this is one of the funniest threads i've read in a while.... fair play to you for wanting to sort your pc out but looking for an artifact destoyer is one of the funniest things i've heard all week.

I've also had giant lines that progressed to huge walls of colour then to not being able to see a thing when i overclocked my GFX card a tad too much.

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I've also had giant lines that progressed to huge walls of colour then to not being able to see a thing when i overclocked my GFX card a tad too much.

That'll be the RAM overheating. You could lower that a few MHz but still keep going with the core, if you wanted. I really can't be bothered trying to tweak my GFX card though, it runs CS:S fine, and that's the only game I ever play. If I could be arsed, I would flash it down to a 9800Pro (which is what it was originally) but I cannae be bothered, so I have to use ATI tool to lower the RAM speed before I play anything (Which is pretty annoying actually) :turned:

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That'll be the RAM overheating. You could lower that a few MHz but still keep going with the core, if you wanted. I really can't be bothered trying to tweak my GFX card though, it runs CS:S fine, and that's the only game I ever play. If I could be arsed, I would flash it down to a 9800Pro (which is what it was originally) but I cannae be bothered, so I have to use ATI tool to lower the RAM speed before I play anything (Which is pretty annoying actually) :turned:

Yeah, i used rivatuner to do it and when i got the artifacts i got a little worried so i made rivatuner find the best overclock levels and left it at that. Havn't touched it since, like you though it plays CS:S alright so i'm happy with it like it is. You'll have to give me a game sometime ;)

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Yeah, i used rivatuner to do it and when i got the artifacts i got a little worried so i made rivatuner find the best overclock levels and left it at that. Havn't touched it since, like you though it plays CS:S alright so i'm happy with it like it is. You'll have to give me a game sometime ;)

Nah, I'll just whip your ass. I dunno how it all works, but you can add me or something - my name is [FBM]Fluid609[RIP Deej] if that helps.

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nah i need your steam i.d. or e-mail address

EDIT: i used the wheredidthatstaincomefrom address from your profile and its added a person to my friends list, i'm guessing thats you and not someone coincidentally having the exact same email address :D

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nah i need your steam i.d. or e-mail address

EDIT: i used the wheredidthatstaincomefrom address from your profile and its added a person to my friends list, i'm guessing thats you and not someone coincidentally having the exact same email address :D

Oh right, yeah. That's the one (Y)

are you on about tomm or me because no ones added me apparently, oh dear this thread is a balls up :P

Yeah, me. Sorry for the thread Hijack. Although it's drawing attention away from your boo boo!

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