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Phil Feeney


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Right this was a lil college vid i threw together

some people think street/trials is a newsence, some say its vandalism...

i recon if dance can be considered art, through the 'art of motion' then why can we not concider ourselves to be artists?

we basically take someones interpretation/expression of art through archetecture and re-interpret it to express our own form of art through our creativity/motion ....creating an almost layered form of expressionism?

...hmmm i might just be talking shit, but it did spark an interesting debate between lecturers with opposing opinions

the vid asks the question ...you watch and you decide

cheers Philly :huh:


Edited by PhilFromLuton
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Some profound thinking Phil. Were only artists until we come up short and take a chunck outa a wall though :P

Good work Cap'n. Good vid.

Edit. Vid was frickin awesome. Beasty riding! :o

Edited by will
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yes phil that was pure amzin bruv, lovign the way your head works even if it sometimes scares me when you go off on your thinking moments, show that to the feds next time they try stop us riding:D

also the editing was well sick man!

well done with this, think youve managed to touch on somethign well important to you and put it into a vid, yuoll get distingsion easy mate


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Some profound thinking Phil. Were only artists until we come up short and take a chunck outa a wall though :P

Good work Cap'n. Good vid.

Agreed! (Y)

Quality editing again Phil, loving the riding and the whole arts theory that we all know is true :P and is the best excuse to old people...but my only worry was the lack of trials in the video - just seemed far closer related to bmx than trials even though you have ace style maybe it was about BMX being art. Anyway i think any sport can be interpreted in different ways but the main reason we and other street sports get stick is because when we do break or damage something, you do get a feeling of - oh shit i better go now - for kinda obvious reasons.

As long as everyone breaks as little as possible and still manages to perfect the sport to gain peoples respect rather than make them angry its all good! (Y)


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Shit me, that was badass! :o

Really interesting thoughts expressed there and its always something to think about when you're out riding... you always get people looking, most think what we're doing is amazing, but then theres always like one or two people who completely disagree with what we're doing and believe its anti-social, from my experience anyway.

But then I heard that a member of public was properly having a go at some riders and a security guard came over and said to the guy the fact that they werent causing any damage or anything, they're better off doing this, getting out and doing exercise and expressing themselves rather than getting in trouble with the Fed's over crime. He also said, I'd be careful who you walk up to, kids these days they might have knives (which is true cos this apparently happened in London) and the guy who was giving the guys hassle just walked off.

So yes, wicked riding, very interesting video, really well executed! Some of those spins... wtf!? :blink:


Edited by trialmedia
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bloody great video...

1. without any doubt its art when shot like this - ie when youve thought what will make an interesting video / what will look good / interesting / large ... you arent in a competition its purely expression and ability and doing what you want to do = (in my book anyway) ART

2. Its only vandalism if you are vandalising summut (didnt see any)

3. Bloody great video

(Y) (Y) (Y)



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Mint video right there, I love how well you edit you videos and how they always seem to express your riding perfectly. Some nice thoughts on our sport there, I agree that its a form of art; we look at the world in a way which nobody else does i.e. a bench is not for sitting on, but for riding on or a wall is no longer a boring object that nobody thinks about, it becomes something that a trials rider can session for hours and not become bored. The streets are no longer boring, but exciting. We all express ourselves through our choice of riding, style, the way we sidehop, backwheel, gap etc is all individual to us, we do it how we want to and show it to others.

Keep the videos, and portrayal of our sport up. (Y)

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sweet video an all, i would agree the video itself is some kind of art, but when i'm riding full pelt at a bank or a wall i don't feel like an artist. I just feel like some guy on a bike just having fun.

Vandalism is a different story. I personally think vandalism is the intention to damage something rather than the actual act of damaging it. When i smash a wall a feel really guilty, a real vanadal probably wouldn't.

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i've always liked Phil's videos (edit5 being my fave), and this one is as good as ever

but as for the "is it art or vandalism" question? well Phil, you DID do a peg grind on the BMX (mark 2min 03sec on the vid) and the picnic tabel didn't prop itself up against the wall by itself (mark 1min 37sec on the vid) so from that angle, "yes - some of it IS vandalism"

but before you all start getting ready to blast me out - please read on.

i agree that local councils don't do enough for cyclists/bmx'ers/skaters etc and (as a result) local architecture gets abused. whenever i'm out riding urban, i tend to look at the low edges and steps for signs of skater/inline/bmxer damage - and the sad thing is that if i see any, then i know that security is gonna be watching to make sure there's no more done - and if i DON'T see any, then security is VERY good!

now, my argument to any security guard who comes hassling me (and bear in mind kids, here in the USA they carry guns and don't like people dicking around near Government buildings) is that i'm not causing any more damage to the stairs or the planters than if some kid was walking on them. only the rubber of my tyres goes on those surfaces - nothing more.

so - what do/can we do about it?

1 - limit any grinds strictly to skate parks. if you don't have one, try to lobby for one to be built.

2 - don't be a dick to security guards or use foul language. you'll just piss them off.

3 - if you have to move anything (i.e. picnic tables) be sure to put them back - but i'd advise against moving them anyways

4 - be respectful of other road users and pedestrians - these are the people who make the 'nuisance calls' to the police

5 - understand that you have no "right" to ride on other people's property. if they ask you to leave an area that is not for public use then politely do so.

we've all got to understand that as much fun as it is to rip-up the streets like we do, there HAS to be some sort of compromise. as long as riders keep grinding and damaging public property, hassling pedestrians and annoying security guards there will ALWAYS be people who see you as a 'destructive element' of society and they will probably win any case. and then you'll see a LOT more "No Cycling" signs up!

here in OKC (Oklahoma City) there is a 'bike ban' on an entire area of Downtown BECAUSE of BMXers ripping up the local architecture. no bikes at all - not even on the road! pray that it doen't get that bad over there!

Edited by bEavoLa
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here in OKC (Oklahoma City) there is a 'bike ban' on an entire area of Downtown BECAUSE of BMXers ripping up the local architecture. no bikes at all - not even on the road! pray that it doen't get that bad over there!

NO way! I thought that ban got lifted? I remember seeing a news report on BMXer's taking a stand because they weren't allowed to ride with skaters and it provoked massive outrage, I didn't realise that it went that far? :o

hmm Im deviating, Phil that was a really good video, you and your mates have a cracking one there (Y) nice one :D

As for the question myself, I think the only bit of vandalism there was the feeble grind (was it feeble? can't remember) I don't really think there is much artistic about grinds anyway, you jump onto the wall an stay there. However the spinning tricks and the combos including the crankflip THAT is art. Even if people copied the move, no one could ever do those tricks in the same way you do. I think art classes something that is unique to a person and like 97% of the moves you do in that vid is artistic because they're your moves

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The video is art definately, but is the riding ... that probably open to discussion and i can see arguements for and against which i am too hubgover to go into!

As for vandalism, well we don't go out to deliberately cause damage (pretty sure 99% of bikers/skaters would rather go out and not cause any damage) which is what a vandal does, but we know we probably are going to damage something....

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