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You're a willy,but i don't complain

zoo baby!

if you'd like to back up that statement, then fine. however i found what you said to be lacking major thought.

one does not simply off themselves when they turn 40, you can say it to be cool, but i have serious doubts as to whether you actually will go through with suicide 'just because'.

now, should you wish to further this discussion, you can find my MSN and speak to me on there.


i do think that death is something to be worried by, because noone lives forever (duh) but people get blasé about existing (if we actually do) and just live a life of painful mediocrity, when they should be out doing things.

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Mmmm im afraid im similar to the zoo thing of dying before im old. I really don't like the idea of being dependant on other people. Then again committing suicide isn't like taking a tablet and thats it. If i do die though, its got to be worthwhile, if I die of some illness, I'm gna be so pissed off I'll demand its engraved on my tombstone.

Yeah I wanna be buried so I can have a funny slogan on my headstone, again so long as its humourous I don't mind. I think death is enough of a heartache as it is, and doesn't need to be made worse through poetry of mourning or such the like.

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Mmmm im afraid im similar to the zoo thing of dying before im old. I really don't like the idea of being dependant on other people. Then again committing suicide isn't like taking a tablet and thats it. If i do die though, its got to be worthwhile, if I die of some illness, I'm gna be so pissed off I'll demand its engraved on my tombstone.

Yeah I wanna be buried so I can have a funny slogan on my headstone, again so long as its humourous I don't mind. I think death is enough of a heartache as it is, and doesn't need to be made worse through poetry of mourning or such the like.

I do agree with that but then you can't rally specify an age, Dave (zoo) said 40 but for example, my dad who's 47 (i think) and loads of people i know are over 40 and dont need looking after, 40 is too young to die, and topping yourself on your birthday would be a waste of a perfectly good birthday cake.

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i've always said i'd rather die than be paralyzed from the neck down, but if it came to me actually choosing, it would be a tough decision.

annnd as some song once said, i'd much rather burn out than fade away. I would love to go out in a mass of burning metal and people screaming and be rememberd like that, than some stinky old man found bloated 3 weeks later in his granny flat.

And i agree about the dying before your old thing, unless i was of good health and had an amazing family to enjoy, i would much rather live a short and great life, than a long and boring one.

but only the good die young, so i'm gonna be here for a long time.

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I'm not bothered about how I die, or when i die. I've done most of the things I've wanted to do. I think about it quite a bit. How it's the easy way out. Sometimes I think it's quite exciting. Going to the 'undiscovered world'. Nobody can say what it's like or anything. So the only way to find out whats there is by dying. And there is no way back. Maybe theres another lifetime or something, reincarnation or something. I don't know, but meh.

I would rather be burnt and my ashes spread around hawkstone park. As I have quite a few connections there.

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What scares me most about death is people I love going before me

Same with me, i plan to go first.

Being the youngest in the family, i'm most likely to die last meaning i have to go to all four of my closest families(mum,dad,bro,sis) funerals. Something i'm not looking forward to.

I remember when i was young worying about it loads, so i just try to avoid argments with any of them.

On the subject of my death, i don't want to die from drowning,illness,burning or any prolonged way. Having cancer and knowing you only have a few months left must be such a downer.

Also, my grandpa had Alzhiemers before he died and i know how hard it was on my mum and gran, and thats something i want to avoid. It would probably tear me apart if i knew that i was struggling to remember where or who i was. Obviously because of the illness i wouldn't realise, but not knowing my wife(if i ever get lucky enough) or any kids i have must be terrible for them.

Personally i like to think there is something else after death, just seems like such a waste. Deep down i also believe in a god although i have never witnessed anything spiritual from myself, just certain things that make me wonder.

On the subject of burial, i would like to think that any of my family that want to mourn would have somewhere to go if it's any comfort for them. If not they can do what they want. It's their corpse that they have left over. But my personal choice would be for me to have a proper burial.

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Another thing that annoys me about weddings is that whoever died instantly becomes wonderful. I remember at a funeral of my Dad's work mate everyone there was an acquaintance, I doubt anybody was actually friends with the guy. Anyway, one of the people asked me if was alright because I'd known him a while and I replied with 'What are you talking about? He was a wanker'. The looks I got from people that overheard were shock and horror to be blunt. He went on a rant about how disrespectful I was but the dude f**ked my dad over several times, cheated on his wife and didn't talk to his children. He was a stone cold willy, but when it came to all the speeches everyone said how wonderful he was, such a dedicated husband and brilliant father.

I know that all the people there knew it too, but nobody had the balls to say anything about it. I doubt anyone really misses the guy, so why make him some holy giver of joy when he had cock written all over him?

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hmm, can't get it,why are people afraid of death?

its seriously nothing to be afraid of.

I have always said, the day i wanna die so will i just take a car or motorcycle and drive the fastest i can out on a cliff.

or probably jump out from a high house, so why have fear for death?


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Im more worried about people around me dieing, Once your dead it doesnt matter, your not there to think "ahh shit im dead" because, well.. your dead.

If someone close to you dies you have to live with it, griev etc and deal with it.

You cant control what happens to you, Just live how you want to live and make the most of it!

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hmm, can't get it,why are people afraid of death?

its seriously nothing to be afraid of.

I have always said, the day i wanna die so will i just take a car or motorcycle and drive the fastest i can out on a cliff.

or probably jump out from a high house, so why have fear for death?


go for it, i doubt you would once you were actually there and were going to do it.

Kinda like people who self harm and want to kill themselves they wont do it properly because there too scared that they would actually die, so are just attention seeking whores instead. :)

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pah dieing sucks, lets go rape the grim reeper..

but, i have things to do before i kick the bucket... i talking about myself dying as if it is just some bd shit that happens, but hate it when a member of my family talk about it, freaks me out.

many things to do, but i will seriously get round to doing it, unless i get fecked over by a bus tomorrow..

what i hate is when people get on the news for committing sucide, f**k them, gready twats...

its harsh on their familys, and they get on the news, i won't and i have piece in the paper for when i die and i do charity work, kind and careing

just my views, and zoo, balls that you will

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Me, on the other hand, have donated my body. Meaning that I will go into 'storage' for up to 3 years (by law) when I die, assuming my body is in good condition, it can be passed onto a medical college for anatomy research. So basically I am cut open and 'explored'.

After they've had a good play, they stitch me back up and I am cremated. My family have a choice of what happens then, I can have my ashes handed over to them or they can not be informed and have them scattered without their knowledge.

I've done that :D

I mean I've cut people like you (except dead) open and what not. It's good fun. Although I don't think it would be something I would sign up for for my body when it's dead. I think you get money to cover funeral costs too? £1000 or so. Which is pretty good I guess.

I've got a donor card, people can help themselves to whatever they need and then let me be. I'm not sure I like the idea of being kept in a fridge for 3 years. Just burn me and have done with it. There's not enough space in this world for all the cool new houses and shops anyway, so don't waste space by having me buried, please.

I find it really hard to comprehend nothingness when you die, so I guess I believe there is something after. I have no idea what. Alternatively, if there really is nothing, you won't know about it and you won't mind so I truly don't believe it's anything to worry about too much.

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What if there really is a hell, and we all end up stuck in a big cave

being poked by big men with long staffs for all of eternity?

I would be extremely chuffed

Better than all that heaven shite, unless its like the one on South park the movie.

Although sayig all that, i think we'll all be reincarnated, Im going to come back as a giraffe

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lol You wont kill yourself when your 40 thats a fact.

I agree, You'll have grown up by then and most likely have realised that theres so much more to live for. I like to think i've done a lot in my life, though you could also think i've not done much.

Been to school, went to college, did terribly in my exams 2 years running and stopped behind for a third year... soon to be going to uni. Haven't started driving yet, don't have a proper job... the list goes on.

I do have an alright family, great friends, i've done so much i can't even begin to write it all down.... f**k it i'll give it a go. I've been on a hot air ballon, been snorkling in maritius, stroked a dolphin, watched a sunrise and a sunset, driven a hovercraft, become more competant on a bike than a lot of people could even dream of, been in a Tornado fighter jet and fired up the engines, ragged a quadbike through a wood at 45mph! :D it just keeps going on like that (Y)

And for those of us who say its hard to imagine death just being nothingness, apparantly its because the human brain is incapable of thinking of it, the same way its impossible to comprehend how big the universe is. We can't imagine something so small as being nothing at all and we can't imagine something so infinately big... about the only thing i remember from GCSE science :lol:

As for what i think appens after death, well i'm unsure like everyone else. I like to think that we come back and have another life, theres been so many cases of people remembering past lives that it makes it seem possible. I also don't beleive in god or anything however i quite often find myself thinking there is a heaven. I would also like to have some sort of list of things that we can do... like a menu and we get to choose something off it like coming back as a squirrel with tirrets (dunno how to spell it)

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I'm sorta scared of death, but I like to think I have had a good go at life, so if I died tomorow, theres nothing I would regret. Acomplished what I have wanted to since i was about 7, and thats pass my driving test. Sad I know, but it was such a big deal to me. Preety much done more hen I ever thought I would to:

Jumped off a 30 foot high ledge into the sea (proud of myself for that, dunno why)

Rode a motorbike

Got some f**king awsome friends

Had some good times.

Thats all I ever want out of life, a good time. I've had that for 17 years, so I'm not scared of going now, but I don't want to. Too much to live for in the future :)

Ass Tomm and Rich said, I cant get my head around nothingness? You try and imagine it and its imposible. But I am sure we'll all find out some time, Lets hope its not soon thou :)


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