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I was talking to a guy at work today, he was on about his mum who passed away recently. Shes not had a funeral or anything at all...just burnt and the ashes have been spread by the family. She reason for not having a funeral was that she didn't want people last memories of her to be in a box, perfectly good reason to me.

Although do you think this is selfish to her family who may feel guilty that they didn't give her a real send off, even though it was her wish not to?

Personally, I have donated my body to research. I signed up at 17 although I couldn't legally do it until I was 18, so I signed all the paperwork in March of this year. I like the idea of it as its something different and not everyone does it, either its a moral thing or just all the paperwork that does into it (eg. solicitor papers, will, medical organisations, GP ect).

Death isn't something I fear as such, I don't think it should be a topic to avoid. If I change my mind in years to come about what happens to me, I can withdraw at anytime.

What do you want to happen when you go? Anything unusual or just a tradition funeral, if any?


Edited by anzo
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I've also been freaked out by the thought of when i die....thats it! over! end of. Al be gone forever and ever!

They say when you die you see a light and voices, scientific research has told that your paralized first then your eyesight goes (seeing the light)....then your hearing. And then your dead. Quite a scary thought. Death only scares me with the thought of leaving forever. Thats why i want to live my life to the fullest now! to a certain extent.

Id like to be buried, but obviously as the future goes on who knows of any other methods that might entole! such as freezing. I'd hate to be burnt for the reason id deffinetly be gone then. But then again being left in a coffin for the maggots to have there dinner doesn't enlighten me one bit.

When im on my death bed and my loved ones are asking me how i'd like to be buried etc. I'll say this "Surprise me".

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They say when you die you see a light and voices, scientific research has told that your paralized first then your eyesight goes (seeing the light)....then your hearing.

Through my limited medical training I was taught that the hearing is the first sense to go, and the first one to return. Hence why ambulance crews shout 'can you hear me' as unconcious patients.

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I wouldn't say I'm not scared of death, everyone is. Think of it as a black box and someone says 'Stick your hand in'...no one does it because everyone is scared of things that they don't know about, or something they cant see or hear, but they know its there.

I don't think we come back, being the optimist that I am :P, but I don't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural like that. I'm not religious so I don't believe in a heaven or hell. I like to look at it from a scientific point of view as if we are only cells...if we die, we die and thats it.

However, I can't help but think what happens when we are dying, just when you know it happens and there has to be a point where you realise it...hopefully, its like one big sleep, hopefully one I don't have to wake up from and go to work.

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Through my limited medical training I was taught that the hearing is the first sense to go, and the first one to return. Hence why ambulance crews shout 'can you hear me' as unconcious patients.

Yeah, when i nearly passed out once it was hearing that went first followed closely by sight.

Im not really fussed about what happens when i die at the moment, its a bit depressing to think about, I have an organ donor card so parts of me could live on, lol!

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my best friends mum died a few years back, and wanted to be buried in a cardboard coffin, which is cool cos its like green and stuff, but the weirdest thing is she is buried in the paddock accross the road from the house that they own (next door to me-remember next door in coutryside terms is several hundred yards away)

anway point of saying that is, i dont think i could ever ask for that, if they ever wanted to move house, what could they do? they would probably have to keep the paddock or have her moved which is unfair on the family-however i dont think they will want to move, that place is lush :)

anywhoodles, whats wrong with being cremated? my grans were, and they were spread in the places they loved most/among the people they loved in thier lives who had passed away. its their final wish, the least you can do is stick to it and do that 1 last thing for them

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It shits me up thinking of how you die, all these things that happen when your dying freaks me out senses e.t.c going, ive heard a guy on a black horse with a black cape on and you cant see his face comes and touches you and your dead.


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im not worryed about death - im more conserned about how other people such as friends - family how they would cope an how i would cope when they died. Im not too worryed about death as long as its not long and painfull........ but i wanna be burnt i dont want a legacy hanging arround

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I want to be cremated and scattered somewhere nice. Screw being buried and rotting. If anything it could be considered more selfish to be buried - your family and friends pay out the ass to get it all done, then they suffer guilt trips if they don't come and lay flowers every week at your grave or whatever. F*ck hanging around, when I'm gone I want to be gone so people can get on with things.

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its really weird i was thinking will you ever really know how you die?

like you can think, but i mean if you were walking down the street and shot in the head say instantly killing you how would you know?

not taking the piss here guys but i mean if you were dying in a hospital bed how would you be sure thats how you died?

does that make sense?

also im not sure i would like ashes to be sprinkled at my favourite place but i wouldnt want my body to be destroyed so its not going to happen, maybe a memorial thing or something??

all the people tlaking about donor cards sounds a good idea how do i do that?

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all the people tlaking about donor cards sounds a good idea how do i do that?

I wouldn't say it's such a good idea. If you're say 45 and get hit by a car and you're in critical condition pending several months in hospital, surgery etc. etc. with a donor card, there could be some 6 year old kid or something who desperately needs an organ you can provide - chances are nobody will try quite so hard to save you seeing as a younger life takes priority. No thanks.

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What scares me most about death is people I love going before me, that sort of thing really sucks. The missus is under strict orders to wait till I cack it before dying.

I'm not all that fussed about what happens to my body after wards though. I would like some sort of memorial, preferably a massive bronze statue of me looking manly&handsome or a pyramid built by slaves.

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I want there to be more , I dont like death it seems pretty boring , unless there is something else to attempt I do want to believe there is something else and see how things develop on earth e.t.c . I think buried and body parts used for better things and to save other people.

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forgot to say i hope it not just a case of when you die thats it nothing happens.

i do believe there is a god, but weather or not we go to heaven or come back as an animal or another person i dont know, but i do know id certainly prefer that than just lying there with nothing happening ever again.

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I'm the sort of emo b*****d that wants my own forest, my remains scattered around it, or around the center, and a meaty bench in the middle. Forest would be private, only accessible to my family/close friends, so they can go and sit in there when they want and shit.

Death, well, we all know what i'll say. :P

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I've thought aboout this a fair bit but it's something that just skrews your head up. I believe that you just loose conciousness and that's that, your gone forever, but its hard to imagine nothingness. Like how will you know you're dead? Its hard to comprehend not existing. I'd like to believe there is something else, but that just seems impossible to me. Its the same sorta thing trying to imagine whats outside space? like what is space inside of? It just something we won't know until it happens.

I'd like to exist in some way forever, i've always said i'd of loved to see the beginning of the earth and be there at the end. I don't care about the middle to be honest.

I'm not so much scared of death, as apprehensive. Everyone has to go through it at some point so i just accept that, and i guess as you get older you just get used to the idea that you've not got long left. One thing i would hate would be drowing (i've been close), burning alive or falling from a massive height, just waiting for the impact, any situation where you know whats coming, and you have time to think about it...

and i guess i'll get crimated and put in a marble pigeon hole at a cemetry, as that's what has happened to most of my family from what i can tell.

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I'm going to kill myself when i'm 40 so that i don't have to get old..i don't like thinking about not being conscious or not knowing your dead,the idea of just lying there forever..i mean if the earth was destroyed fair enough that's atleast one thing that could interest me...but if nothing major or catastrophic happened i don't know what i'd do..well probably nothing cause i would be dead.

zoo baby!

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all the people tlaking about donor cards sounds a good idea how do i do that?

Depends what you want to do. You can pick up a donar card from your doctors surgery, and you basically get a card, you tick off what you want to give away, fill in the form that comes with the card and then send it all off to be registered.

Me, on the other hand, have donated my body. Meaning that I will go into 'storage' for up to 3 years (by law) when I die, assuming my body is in good condition, it can be passed onto a medical college for anatomy research. So basically I am cut open and 'explored'.

After they've had a good play, they stitch me back up and I am cremated. My family have a choice of what happens then, I can have my ashes handed over to them or they can not be informed and have them scattered without their knowledge.

The reason for this is I do have a keen interest in anatomy and medical presedures (more the history of), call it sick if you want, but it is interesting. Therefore its something you don't hear about everyday and also its a good cause.

I'd love to be a surgeon/anatomist but unfortunatly I just don't have the knowledge or money to do it. So if I can't do it, I may aswell help others...right?

Donar cards have shown with technology and how medical knowledge has advanced. For example you can now donate your retinas to enable someone else to see. As well as your liver, kidneys, heart as well as alsorts of stuff to help someone survive.

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nice uplifting topic :)

Ugh death is the only thing that really shits me up and thats only because its inevitable and it will happen to everyone at some point.

Just seems weird and too much to comprehend when you think the world etc has been going on for soo long yet we only take part in its time for such a short period.

I think its too far fetched that we somehow live on in any kind of way, once we die we just die thats it, theres nothing to it, basically like the hours from when youre asleep to when you wake up i dont remember a thing and find it surreal that 6-8 hours have passed yet it feels alot quicker. death is basically that just a sleep that you dont wake up from.

The only reason i believe there are things such as heaven etc is just to give people false hope to ease there minds that something good may happen after death and that it isnt just the end.

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you are a chump

You're a willy,but i don't complain

zoo baby!

dont ruin the topic by arguing, you two want to argue phone each other up and do it or go on msn, f**k sake total panzies.

and zoo i wasnt impressed what u said also.

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