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Lundun... (bmxy Stuff This Time :p)

Mark W

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I'm going to be moving down to London in September, and studying at Southbank uni (Ching IPB Image). As a bit of a feeler session, I'm staying with my brother in Langley/Slough (between one and the other), then heading into LDN via train in the evenings after he's finished work to get a feel for the place, and ride some awesome places.

I know loads of places in London to look at, but I've got no idea of where they are. I've ridden Southbank, Euston Station and some other random little bolt holes, but what are the "main" sorta spots in London? I don't necessarily mean skateparks (ridden Playstation or whatever it's called now + Meanwhile bowls), but street spots preferably. Found some rad shit last time when we were rushing back to the train, just loads of brick flatbanks and stuff, but I've had no joy since.

I know some people get well precious about keeping hidden spots secret and stuff like that, but I just mean the more famous London landmarks - anyone fancy giving me some idea where any are? I've got an A-Z and a railcard, and I'm willing to pedal. Thanks for any help!


This is basically a post I've made on a BMX forum, but does anyone on here know of any decent BMX street spots in London? If I've got a vague idea I can have a crack at tracking them down (Y)

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Start off at the shell, then head along the river until you get to the skatepark or the little circle stone thingy. Then a bit further along till you get to tate. Cross over the bridge at tate and spend some time at st pauls. Then head up the barbican way. Some amazing places to ride, when you going to be down and we can get a group ride or something going just to let you know all the spots.

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I'm there Weds->Sat, but I don't know when we're riding or anything, so I can't commit to anything... Whereabouts in London is Shell? I've heard about it loads, but I've never been 100%... anywhere near Southbank?

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Bumer, should have stayed the extra day then come on the ride! Yeah basicly if u imagine the london eye, then look at it so your facing the way you get into it, then turn around and shell is about 100ft across the grass, execpt its being re-constructed for some reason at the mo although there are some walls around there that were ok to play around on. Could try and get hold of chai and see if you can get a ride going sometime saturday? Oh and its not too a clever idea to ride on a weekday as the place is swarming with police/security guards it'll just make the ride very short and boring.

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All the riding's going to be taking place after 6:30pm or so, so it was decently quiet last time I was down :) I'm on a BMX, don't forget, so just walls on their own are OK, but flatbanks and shit like that would be nice too :P Cheers for your help though (Y)

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Mark the barbican basically consists of small quarters about 2 and a bit ft high that go on for miles with hips etc. Then there are loooooads of walls, flat banks, gaps, rails, stairs etc.

You'll be amazaed! It's a feckin huge place so if you head for the theatre bit (there should be signs) You'll be able to find the quarters easy. :D

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Yep we found out the hard way with the private renta cops at the Barican.

Just ride along the river either side and youll find loads to ride.

If you can get away with it go to Canary Whart and youll find mile apon mile of marble ledges, wallrides and stairs but beware the cops are harsh and fast round there.

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