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Just Got Into A Little Brawl With Some Bmx'ers

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hi me n my mates were just down at my local mud jumps messin about and the other night these guys were altauring them and making a new big massive table top so i went dwn there this morning with my mates i was just trialsing on the jumps so what my mate has to do is just goes and destroys there table top which they spent ages on. i turned around and saw the lads that did the tabple top it was 4 18-20year old bmx jumpers a said to my mates sayin theres them lads that did the jump and i just stood there with my mates shovel in my hand even though i didnt do anything and them to litterally bobbed there pants and pedalled like mad and these lads were just blabbing saying were just trying to make these jumps better and i was like yeah what ever and they was like am gonna smack em and i was thinking am i gonna get smacked then they said yeah well f**k off then so i walked off with my bike and my mates shovel and then my mates were stood at the bridge trying to hide and saying what did they say and i was like they wanna smack you then i turned around then one of the bmx guys comes pedalling like mad and they was like sh*t then pedalled off really fast and i just went back to my house and start telling my story anyone else had somethign similiar like this before

thanks for reading andy

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So you and your trials "gang" are gonna go sort out a load of 18-20 year olds. GANKKKSTARRRRRR

Hahaha good one J. There just Chris wanabees. Why do you feel the need to tell us what you do in your spare time it just fills up the forum. :blink: Pointless. Its like saying i went to the park today on my bike. It rained. I bought a pasty then come on trials forum and read this topic. Banged my head. Went sleep. See just stupid.

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ok people always post up there days - if i posted up my day then im sure you would get very bored - someone says there going to beat me up almost every day - but i really dont feel the need to tell a load of people i dont know

to aviod trouble with other bikers dont f**k them off - an by destroying there jumps they spent ages making would f**k me off considerably

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You must be the most illiterate person on this forum!!

If you want people to read your story then atleast use punctuation and grammar (N)

If you did that to a jump I made I would have kicked your face in (Y)

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I'm suprised they didn't do anything to you guys really. Its a pretty shit thing to do especially if you knew it had only just been built. It takes a lot of hard work to build a jump and then you need to ride it for a bit to get a feel for how the transition is and everything and then you need to make alterations to it accordingly.

You can't just turn up the day after and start altering it... sounds like you and your mates didn't have a clue about jumps in the slightest.

And you're gonna go sort them out? I think you should sort yourself out... you wreck something they will have worked hard on and would be proud of and they have the decency not to batter you and your wanting to beat them up? I think jay was right, you should spend your time in school learning how to write properly instead of coming on here trying to show how hard you are... its pointless.

Edited by Krisboats
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Hi, me and my mates were just down at my local mud jumps messin about the other night and these guys were altering them and making a new table top so I went down there this morning with my mates. I was just trialsing on the jumps, so what my mate decides to do is just go and destroy the table top which they had spent ages on. I turned around and saw the lads that built the table top. It was four 18- 20 year old bmx jumpers and said to my mates, "theres them lads that did the jump" and I just stood there with my mates shovel in my hand. Even though I didn't do anything and them to litterally bobbed there pants, and pedalled like mad. These lads were just blabbing saying, "were just trying to make these jumps better" and i was like, "yeah what ever" and they was like am gonna smack em and i was thinking am i gonna get smacked then they said yeah well f**k off then so i walked off with my bike and my mates shovel and then my mates were stood at the bridge trying to hide and saying what did they say and i was like they wanna smack you then i turned around then one of the bmx guys comes pedalling like mad and they was like sh*t then pedalled off really fast and i just went back to my house and start telling my story anyone else had somethign similiar like this before

thanks for reading andy

f**k it, tried to make it better, got half way through and gave up!

God help you English teacher!!!

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dont get it.

i turned around and saw the lads that did the tabple top it was 4 18-20year old bmx jumpers a said to my mates sayin theres them lads that did the jump and i just stood there with my mates shovel in my hand even though i didnt do anything and them to litterally bobbed there pants and pedalled like mad and these lads were just blabbing saying were just trying to make these jumps better and i was like yeah what ever.

especially that bit. so who did what and who was talking to the bmxers etc??

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