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Hello everyone, I am just getting in trials and cant wait till I get my T-Bird 04 fully built up so I can go ride and become part of this ace riding community!!!! I live in Stourbridge near Birmingham(for people who dont know where it is, lol) Hello to all other new members like me and I wish you all luck!!!

Quick question before i go- What brakes are relitavley cheap aswell as relible, and good for a onza T-Bird 04 model? Thanks for your time taken to read my post.

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Welcome to the forum dude, hope you have a good time.

Do you know anybody called beau from your area.?

Also about brakes:

Go for magura hs33's and also get some plazmatic crm's or zoo brake pads, both can be purchased from tartybikes. Also get your rims ground for excellent braking performance. (Y)


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  profile said:

Welcome to the forum dude, hope you have a good time.

Do you know anybody called beau from your area.?

Also about brakes:

Go for magura hs33's and also get some plazmatic crm's or zoo brake pads, both can be purchased from tartybikes. Also get your rims ground for excellent braking performance. (Y)


don't forget new pads :P plazmatic crm's are the way forward with a grind (which you can also buy from tarty)

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  profile said:

Welcome to the forum dude, hope you have a good time.

Do you know anybody called beau from your area.?

Also about brakes:

Go for magura hs33's and also get some plazmatic crm's or zoo brake pads, both can be purchased from tartybikes. Also get your rims ground for excellent braking performance. (Y)


hey dan! yeah I know both a chap called beau who rides a toxin pitbull, I think lol! He rides with sum ace riders, like Tom Bazso who rides a Zoo Python, I think! , and Oliie who ride mods, and yeah im good m8s with thm, going to same college as thm hopefully lol. see you soon dan! thanks for adivce on brakes, you will probs be helping me with other questions about what parts I should buy, lol.

  onza_tom123 said:

Welcome Nay to the forum (Y) Glad to see you on here, hopefully you will get validated soon (Y) Also excited about you getting a trials bike :D Going to be awsome.


Yoooooo I should be hopefully getting a Onza T-bird 04 , with headset, Square tapper bottom bracket, Bash guard, and cranks soon! Yay! Yay! Cant Wait! Woop Woop!

Thanks for all the help people with the brakes question and your time taken to read my post and welcome me to this forum!

See you all soon!

Edited by piperpa28
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  adamtrials said:

Pa28, into aviation eh?

Im doing my people training in a piper warrior :)

Nice to see you here, no doubt ill see you in birmingham sometime (Y)

where you fly dude? Ive taken my solo at last passed my aviation law and my medical, but yeah, no doubt see you around! add me on msn ih8chavs01@hotmail.co.uk

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  piperpa28 said:

where you fly dude? Ive taken my solo at last passed my aviation law and my medical, but yeah, no doubt see you around! add me on msn ih8chavs01@hotmail.co.uk

haha class msn addy :P

I know tom, beau and ollie, good mates with them all, beau claims to be my long lost brother :(

heh, i'm from bromsgrove, i think you've ridden with ian? or ad?

anyway will prob see you soon.

p.s it's a zoo! pitbull :P


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  Dr Greenthumb said:

haha class msn addy :P

I know tom, beau and ollie, good mates with them all, beau claims to be my long lost brother :(

heh, i'm from bromsgrove, i think you've ridden with ian? or ad?

anyway will prob see you soon.

p.s it's a zoo! pitbull :P


Thanks for compliment on my msn addy, I love it too, they annoy the hell out of me, with their cheap imatation burberry lol! but hey live goes on!!!Ive never ridden before so it cant be ME who rode with Ian, or Ad, I dont even have a full bike yet! Im still ooking for wheels lol!

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