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Snapped Chain Ring And Bolts Threaded


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ok was goin for a ride earlier on today and done a wheeliehop to a curb and as i powered i hopped the cranks locked up, i found out that all my bolts had nearly came out and the chain ring had actually twisted and snapped (N) so my mate has given me a new spider as i may of stripped all the crank bolt threads now and also from previous crap crank pullers the thread has gone aswell

my question is: how do i successfully get the crank off with minimal damage to the crank, get the lock ring off so i can change spiders

hope you help me guys (Y)


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:P Hi i recommend that u get a cloth or something and put it round the inside of the crank and it with screwdriver or something softer if possible. Try hitting from the opposite side of which cranks got the cloth on and put the screwdriver through a gap in the fame and hit it and see if it comes off. It worked for me and didnt damage the crank so it should be fine. hope this helps Jay :D
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Wrap something round your crank(s), take the crank bolts out and hit the crank(s) with a hammer(or stand on them) while pulling up/away from whatever direction your pushing the cranks and they should come off.

Edited by ogre
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for removing the crank when the crank extractor threads have been damaged i tend to find putting a block of wood behind the crank arm to stop you damaging it as a screw driver is gonna go straight through a piece of cloth when you hit it really

and then tape it of gently hitting it and working your way round trying to hit more then just behind the crank arm

and if you have some degreaser and wd40 or similar like easy free give it a squirt of easy free/wd40 and that should help to get the crank to slide off

once the cranks off if you have used lube to aid this give it a wipe over with the degreaser so as the cranks will seat again nicely onces you refit them and not work loose again

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