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Tf Raffle - Winners Inside!


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Could the following please contact us by email or phone to confirm which prizes you would like:

2. Echo Lite/Pure Frame (your choice) - donated by TartyBikes - 432 - haydon_peter - Which frame Tic?

3. TartyBikes Tshirt (Medium or Large) - donated by TartyBikes - 221 - granty - Medium?

4. TartyBikes Tshirt (Medium or Large) - donated by TartyBikes - 52 - trialsboy560 - Large?

5. TartyBikes Tshirt (Medium or Large) - donated by TartyBikes - 280 - mat_hudson - Which size Mat?

Sod's law (of course) means that we're out of stock of all of the above at the moment (bar V-Mount Echo Lite frames), but T-Shirts will be back in stock this week, and the frames in approx 2 weeks.

Tom has sent us your addresses but no other contact details.



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Hasanyoneseenmyshoe has gone on holiday for two weeks or something like that, so someone else wil need to forward his address.

(Y) Thanks, just got back last night.

Could the following please contact us by email or phone to confirm which prizes you would like:

5. TartyBikes Tshirt (Medium or Large) - donated by TartyBikes - 280 - mat_hudson - Which size Mat?

You have to ask? :lol:

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dude and dudette's

all appologies with any delays, i kinda lost 98.5% of my stuff in a house fire, trying to regain the company with no computer of my own.

yeah thats fare enough but its a bit frustrtating waiting 2 weeks then my mate orders one on sunday and arrives with him on thursday, fare enought you donated it and he paid for his but thats stilll a bit bullshit because he stays five mins away i mean surely if you can take an order and procces it in a few days you would be able to post somthing just as easy no?

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(synergy on tangos ) this is taking piss that mj cycles havent got back to me yet and im still waiting the things to be posted.

yeah yeah the fire but my mate ordered stuff 2 weeks ago and got it 3 days later why do i have to wait so long?

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