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Haha I Made My Car Endo


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Brisa, your talking asif you have been 100% perfect and aboyed EVERY single rule... EVER made...

Well, for one thing... thats impossible!

The lads just having fun... just like you were having fun when breaking rules...


Right, mini muscles don't bother with calling me a dick.

So I said I am perfect by saying I enjoy f**king about in cars as much as the next guy.

When I was 14 I started doing autotest, the car was trailered to the events and when I competed it was trailered back. From then until I was 16 I competed in track days and hillclimbs also. I was smart enough at that age to know the crack. You don't drive on public roads if you don't have the following:

A lisence

Road Tax

Valid Insurance


Why the f**k should I insure my car? Why don't I just buy a 325i for example and 'diff it out' on public roads without insurance. Because its f**king irresponsable.

I don't drive like a little princess on the roads but I also wont do stuff that endangers anyone around me, being passangers and other motorists/pedestrians. I don't leave my street to go to college in the morning with the wand up. And even if I did and smacked some unfortunate person... everythings legal on my car and me. The person would get compensation and thier car repaired.

All I am trying to say in this thread is its highly irresponsable to do stuff that CLEARLY should be kept on the track on a public road with no books or any cover should shit happen. And believe me shit does happen when you least expect it.

Edit: I think this has been taken a bit serious when looking at the arguing partys DOB's. I hope you's all understand that this is something that I take very seriously, easily up there with car thieves etc. Just something to think about, people driving without a lisence etc are as bad a drink drivers. Atleast with a drink driver you may be able to get a few quid to sdort your motor etc.

Edited by Brisa
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Why the f**k should I insure my car? Why don't I just buy a 325i for example and 'diff it out' on public roads without insurance. Because its f**king irresponsable.

I must say there is a degree of irresponsibleness (spell) to it and I have to agree with brisa, that kinda shizzle should stay on a track an where people cant mess up or hurt anyone. It does happen when you least expect it and ok yeah its probably very funny but do it out of the way an not on public roads where people can get hurt.

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Good decision, this is a constructive argument.

Thinking about it more, I have changed my mind. I still think you are very irresponsible, but for a different reason.

If, as you say, it was a clear road with 99.99999999% chance of nobody being around, then fine, we all take risks.

However, do you really think it was appropriate to come on a public forum, where the majority of readers are between 15-20, and brag that you drove a car like this uninsured, underage, and illegally and claim 'IT WAS FUN!!!'?

No. If it was safe, keep it to yourself. (Y)

Thats where most of my problem with this thread lies.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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my god, trials forum is full of little ladies swinging their handbags around...!

so he had alittle play in a car on a private road, that was empty... big deal... you wanna get in a huff a fuff then go have a moan at people that drive on the road with no issurance in un-road worthy cars..

say to their face, i garantee you wouldn't be talking like this if this was face to face, so all stop talking hard on the interweb

he did it, no one died, after this mega spanking i doubt he will do it again,

you should have ahad video....!!!!!

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I think a lot of people would be better off reserving judgement until they actually see a video/pics of what he's doing. Some people appear to be acting as if he was ragging it round the M25 and doing this, whereas we've got basically no idea where he was doing it, and the circumstances it was done in and so on...

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99.9% of people on forum = Judgemental Twats.

Why the hell should people give a shit what a guy is doing.. i hate f**king nosey neighbour type of people that have to give their f**king 2 pence about the actions of someone else.

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Why the hell should people give a shit what a guy is doing.. i hate f**king nosey neighbour type of people that have to give their f**king 2 pence about the actions of someone else.

To be fair, he was the one telling us what he did. We weren't being "nosey". If we all said "oh my god thas sooo cooool" when people say they did something, life on here would be infinitely more boring.

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To be fair, he was the one telling us what he did. We weren't being "nosey". If we all said "oh my god thas sooo cooool" when people say they did something, life on here would be infinitely more boring.

No i didnt say you were being nosey i said in a nosey neighbour way where people have to pass a judgement on everything when its not even needed. Whether people tell him hes a willy or not hes going to do it anyway

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So everyone thinks its ok. Then I suppose i'm wrong and not intitled to an opinion.

so he had alittle play in a car on a private road, that was empty... big deal... you wanna get in a huff a fuff then go have a moan at people that drive on the road with no issurance in un-road worthy cars..

say to their face, i garantee you wouldn't be talking like this if this was face to face, so all stop talking hard on the interweb

He was driving on the road with no insurance and an un road worthy car.

And also if I feel something needs to be said to someone in person it would be said. I haven't been talking 'hard' on the net as its pointless. All I have been doing is giving my opinion on how stupid his actions were. Why wouldn't I say it in real life? I don't hang about with the kind of people who drive on the roads without the proper books but I wouldn't be afroad to tell anyone my feelings if I feel strongly enough about it. Maybe I was just brought up this way?

Basically I stepped in as there were far too many people (most too young to drive/have sense) that were saying it was cool and all good. The people who killed DJ were having fun in a car on the open roads illegally, I am not saying this guy would do it to that scale but its the same thing in essense.

Some of you people may want to come and live in NI. Uninsured drivers are everywhere and make everyones life hell. A typical insurance for a 18 year old no claims on a 1.0 micra/1.1 106 would be around £3800. This is down to uninsured drivers and also thieving scum. My dad got hit by a nova while driving through a stinky housing estate. Couldn't get any money to fix his motor because it was 4 youths under 16 driving the car 'for a laugh'. Police done shit all also.

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So everyone thinks its ok. Then I suppose i'm wrong and not intitled to an opinion.

He was driving on the road with no insurance and an un road worthy car.

And also if I feel something needs to be said to someone in person it would be said. I haven't been talking 'hard' on the net as its pointless. All I have been doing is giving my opinion on how stupid his actions were. Why wouldn't I say it in real life? I don't hang about with the kind of people who drive on the roads without the proper books but I wouldn't be afroad to tell anyone my feelings if I feel strongly enough about it. Maybe I was just brought up this way?

and so on

I agree 1000000% with what you've said, but I think the point of the people saying not to pass judgement, is that he may well have been on a private road where the chance of hitting someone who he wouldn't have payed out to would be smaller than the likely-hood of CLS hospitalizing someone in a car when he's on his bike. I'm not saying what you've said is wrong, on the contrary, as I have already stated, it's perfectly true. It's just that you may have got the circumstances wrong.

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:lol: most of you on here are f**king retarded peices of shit your making it sound like i was joy riding on the m25 going 100 mph and then slammin my f**kin brakes on but i wasnt i was on a f**kin little road with no cars on it. it is almost a private road and your all like he f**kin joy riding with no papers and i thought you lot would of been laughin but your acting like a bunch of 70+years old with no f**king lifes you just sound like you sit on your pc all day arguing over stupid little things i could understand if you lot was like this if i had just put. "i just went for a cruise in my car with no papers around in the back lanes but i wasnt. (N)
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everyone will have oppinions BUT we all do stupid stuff - like when my friend got pissed the other night and climbed 3 storys up scaffolding ran across the roof and bent the clock arm - there will be some people who will say

- LMAO your well funny was a laugh

- and others who will say "oh my god how is everyone going to read the time now!!!! ARG!!!"

its all illegal and "its all fun" we get upto some crazy shit down here VERY often - BUT you have to consider the balance as to if your willing to consider the concequences of your actions at the end of the day. if you crashed into a car at that speed.... you wouldnt kill someone - you could bump a car or w.e. but not end of the world situations

so in conclussion this thread means nothing to me WITHOUT A PHOTO and when you get a pic of you on a single lane dirt track with only fields in site with nothing arround with you pulling an endo ill shake your hand!!!! :P

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Nope i think its mint!

He said he did it on a quiet private road where he wont harm anyone, whats wrong with that??

Atleast he aint doing it down the high street like them nobbers on motorbikes do

Private road or not, he cud still halm himself :ermm:

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