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you ALL maybe suprised that its a bit more "New" skool than you all think. thats ALL i will say.

we will see how akrigg rips up on the british circuit shall we....................


too much negativity, i just love the "we dont do the no seat thingy" hehe. LOVE IT! well played Nick (Y):)

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Nah i was more commenting on the fact it just looks shit boring. Everyone knows akrigg will ride anything and everything to a high level so lets not jump on the "it must be good because a pro rider uses it" band wagon.

you ALL maybe suprised that its a bit more "New" skool than you all think. thats ALL i will say.

we will see how akrigg rips up on the british circuit shall we....................


too much negativity, i just love the "we dont do the no seat thingy" hehe. LOVE IT! well played Nick (Y):)

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Nah i was more commenting on the fact it just looks shit boring. Everyone knows akrigg will ride anything and everything to a high level so lets not jump on the "it must be good because a pro rider uses it" band wagon.

i really dont like it at all (N) im starting to think akrigg is a bit wierd first the t-raptor now this :S

:S it looks like a normal bike like many other trials bikes do! I think it looks good, really clean and simply without a bunch of cnc'ed crap all over it!

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Trials has been made less accessible to the general public by the funky no saddle designs. Which is not a good thing - in our opinion.

Don't wanna cause an argument ect, but...

How is producing a Ti frame, which if it went into retail would probs cost 500+, make it accesable to the public? People can pick up whole bikes for that sorta money.

Not disputing thou, that's possibly one of the best looking frames I have ever seen.

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I think most of the people who have posted on here have got themselves a little confused.

If you read what we have been told properly you'll realize that this frame isn't for you, it isn't designed for you, nor is it a frame you are expected to purchase.

It is a prototype frame made to the specifications of a single rider. You probably won't like the geometry if you ride a 2metre bike with a 3foot BB rise. You probably won't like it if you want to sidehop onto your roof. But that's ok, because you aren't Akrigg so you won't ever get to ride it.

It's a tidy looking bike, i bet it rides really nicely, I can't wait to see it in action. Make sure you bring out a vid when it's made up!

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Nah i was more commenting on the fact it just looks shit boring. Everyone knows akrigg will ride anything and everything to a high level so lets not jump on the "it must be good because a pro rider uses it" band wagon.

More like it must be good because Charge Bikes made it. Ha.

i really dont like it at all (N) im starting to think akrigg is a bit wierd first the t-raptor now this :S

You are only just starting to think Akrigg is weird? He is weird, always has been. But no where near as weird as most of you lot!

I am not really into forums, but this one is hilarious.

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More like it must be good because Charge Bikes made it. Ha.

You are only just starting to think Akrigg is weird? He is weird, always has been. But no where near as weird as most of you lot!

I am not really into forums, but this one is hilarious.

You posted it.. if you cant accept criticism your in the wrong game mate. Go get your knickers in a twist somewhere else..

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f**king hell. :lol:

He posted a picture of Akrigg's own prototype. Its for him chaps, not you. :lol:

Its like commenting on the Saab concept with a canopy roof as the door, and saying you wont like the fact it has no doors, who gives a shit, you wont ever in your life time actually use one, let alone own it. :lol:

I'll save judgement until someone posts a picture of built. Mainly because the picture posted is of a f**king shit angle. :P

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Its like commenting on the Saab concept with a canopy roof as the door, and saying you wont like the fact it has no doors, who gives a shit, you wont ever in your life time actually use one, let alone own it. :lol:

So what you're saying is that this is a stupid design for a frame? A bad frame is a bad frame, regardless of whether I get to ride it. Now I'm not saying this is a bad frame because I've seen one bad picture of it. In fact it's probably a really nice frame. But I think we are allowed to speculate about it without the guy who posted it getting annoyed. This is a forum, that's what happens.

Nick is loving this, because the more you argue the more posts there are in this thread and the more intest there is in the frame.

Haha, yeah. But it's not even going to be sold to us, apparently, so why should he care?

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So what you're saying is that this is a stupid design for a frame? A bad frame is a bad frame, regardless of whether I get to ride it. Now I'm not saying this is a bad frame because I've seen one bad picture of it. In fact it's probably a really nice frame. But I think we are allowed to speculate about it without the guy who posted it getting annoyed. This is a forum, that's what happens.

Oh no, i'm not saying anything about the frame, merely using the Saab as an example. Nah, not saying no one can have opinion of something they wont ever own or ride, but merely saying not to get such involved in your own opinion of it.

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We don't see this frame as old school. To us this is the way forward. Trials has been made less accessible to the general public by the funky no saddle designs. Which is not a good thing - in our opinion.

Score for 10 points :

Akrigg = pro

Joe public sees him on a long low silver / fluro bike with no seat grinds etc he thinks ahh a special bike .... and goes on his merry way

Joe public sees him on a "normal" looking bike with seat, gears etc thinks wow that was amazing (he thought that for the other bike too) and just maybe thinks about having a go...

could happen :-

anyway I like the way akrigg rides and if he has now got his own custom ti frame to ride that makes him even better then its bloody great. even if it wil feel wierd to anyone other than akrigg (which it probs will)


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Your saying people are more interested in someone riding a normal bike up a wall than a bike with no seat no gears grinded rims trials specific parts which may be coloured? hahah what a joke.

Everyride i go on there are people that walk up asking questions ranging from " i see you only have one gear how come?" "Why dont you have a seat where do you sit?" Thats probably 90% of the reason why people even bother looking twice at our sport not everyone is chris akrigg riding around on the streets so pure skill may not be the factor that gets peoples attention. Not some loon riding up a wall on a argos bike. Take this scenario a guy looks at 'Trials specific new sKool bike only for people who are complete tarts' and thinks to himself.. that bike looks loads different to a normal one why does it have holes in the rims, why does the frame look so different to a normal bike.. etc the list is endless. It gives the impression in my eyes that people view the sport as something which was worthy of developing and so the frames and parts have evolved. Joe public realises this and now knows that trials isnt just some stupid kids riding up a wall, there is an actual market where you can buy parts to fit the sport.

Its all a matter of opinion which everyone is allowed to voice theres no need for the "calm down" posts etc because no one is worked up its a discussion!

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sometimes this forum DOES need to listen to the more mature audience it has, its a topic about sommething NEW some people like it some dont, this is why trials forum would never become a good magazine. my half penny.

Nick, i love the post about chris bein weird and the end bit. FOR the people that did trials before long low and silver, this bike would have been the pimpest looking thing about. alot of you on here ar elucky in a sense that technology in trials has moved along so quick and is so good.

This frame is like Akriggs Mk1 Escort. it has sentimental value to the people that understand THINGS

PS Akrigg told me to tell you all

"I had nothing to do with the T-Raptor, it was off the shelf" so dont confuse him with the wrong thing, dont speculate to accumulate.....................it doesnt work, you will just F**K people off.


EDIT: for some people on here, SOME people like the way akrigg likes that much that they want JUST WHAT he has got. it dsoesnt apply to all, but hey look other people do it to CLS and Tunni. 6 of one and half dozen of the other, it doesnt need an arguement, Nick Larsen has put something up thats "NEW" innovative and this topic probly makes him think "Why did i bother"

Edited by Waynio
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Frankly, ackrigg could ride my nans folding shopper with the basket still attached and still kill it......... so er..., who really cares what he rides?

and as for 'joe public' , a bike is a bike. sure they notice the lack of seat and small cogs but it is quite obviously still a bike. I think the whole 'standard look, seat and gears' idea has its benefits as the majority of people will have bikes that appear simlilar to this and allows them the realisation as to what is physically achiveable on a push bike. 'long, low and silver' on the other hands doesn't detract from the fact that feats of astonishing riding are capable on a bike, it simply portrays a need for a specific machine to aid in such a manner of riding. You wouldn't do motorcross on a moto GP bike now would you?

god, too many big words.....my head hurts ;)

Edited by TomNewbold
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This is not intended to be a retro bike, in fact we think it is truely cutting edge. It's right to say that it is not suited to those rabbit-like riders who gracefully dance with their two wheeled machines they call bicycles. What I find funniest is how you are all commenting on it's geometry, on a photograph taken from that angle!

Keep it calm, but keep it coming.

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