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New home owner.. didnt want to go the tv route.. so decided im going to get a projector. I have a wall sorted in the living room for it. But really have no idea where to start and what quality etc. Price... dunno just wondering what i should be looking out for.

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You need something with a decent resolution and a high Lumens rating.

I have no idea about TV projectors, but if you have TV-in on your computer you could put your TV through there, and use a PC projector.

These are a few decent examples.

Clicky one

Clicky two

They connect via the VGA-out on the pc, pretty simple stuff really :)

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Well the plan is to hook it up to sky plus hd and a dvd player. Mount the projector on the ceiling and run the cables to the necessary places. I can use a S-video cable for the laptop to play movies through that etc. Pete found a well good one on ebay going cheap http://www.sony.co.uk/view/ShowProduct.act...inema+Projector

currently at £250 on ebay with 9 hours left

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