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If I Charge A 5 Volt Computer Battery

Mr Motivator

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Why are you asking now?

It wont charge it to the proper voltage and chances are you'll probably never will be able to again. You normally charge batteries at a higher voltage than they output.


Well you see that is what I was thinking.

I've unplugged it now. The pc was getting a bit warm.

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Another major factor is the amount of current. Some chargers output lots more than others and too much will damage the battery.

Yeah, the fact it's 4.5 V just means it takes longer to charge, nothing else.

It's the current of the charger you need to compare, if it's higher then it's not a good idea - if it's lower then just charging it once with it isn't going to do anything though lol.

I got like 1 charger that I just charge everything off :P and it'd never done any of my stuff any harm lol

EDIT: why the hell am I the Queen of the gays ? :P

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Another major factor is the amount of current. Some chargers output lots more than others and too much will damage the battery.

Yeah, the fact it's 4.5 V just means it takes longer to charge, nothing else.

It's the current of the charger you need to compare, if it's higher then it's not a good idea - if it's lower then just charging it once with it isn't going to do anything though lol.

That's complete bullshit mate! The rated current is just the maximum that the charger can output. If the voltage is correct or lower, the battery isn't going to draw any more current than normal is it!?

Think of electricity like water in a pipe. Voltage is the preassure of the water around the pipe, and current, quite obviously, is the amount of water travelling around the wires. The battery being charged is like a valve letting the water through and getting energy from it to charge itself up.

Voltage is the main thing to watch out for. Increasing the voltage is like increasing the water preasssure. It will force more water around the system (increase the current!). This is a bad thing and will damage the battery.

You cannot say that you have increased the current to the battery by putting it on a higher current charger. The current is decided by the resistance in the battery and the voltage. You can only increase the current by increasing the voltage (water preasure!) and therefore forcing more electricity (water) around the system.


Edited by Extreme_biker0
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You cannot say that you have increased the current to the battery by putting it on a higher current charger.

I didn't say that :S

I'm aware of the whole V=IR crap. But basically what your saying is I can use like my mentally powerfull powerdrill charger to charge my mobile phone or power my laptop? Doesn't sounds like much of a good idea to me... it gets hot as f**k just charging it off my other laptops charger thats got like a slightly higher rating. Plus I'm pretty sure you can get Constant Current chargers.

Surely by your own expliantion you're just elaborating on what I said? Have a charger with a massive current output isn't a good idea, a 5v charger with 20A current output charging a 4v 0.5A device for example, the current is going to remain proportional to the voltage, so even if your only drawing 4.5v off it, your still drawing a hell of a lot of current?

Anyway the point I was making was using a lower voltage charger will just take longer... I can't actually remember all the stuff about current relating to voltage...

Doesn't bode too well for someone who just sat A level physics today, and has A level electronics tomorow does it >_<:lol:

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But basically what your saying is I can use like my mentally powerfull powerdrill charger to charge my mobile phone or power my laptop? Doesn't sounds like much of a good idea to me...

Exactly. you live and learn, today you learned that voltage is key.

Doesn't bode too well for someone who just sat A level physics today, and has A level electronics tomorow does it

No, it doesn't. As a 20 year old i feel past my years saying this, but man what the f**k? The fact that people are coming out of acedemic facilities with qualifications supporting there supposed excellence in subjects they know not that much about is frankly scary.

A lot of money gets done down these educational facilities, and for what?!

God this should be in the too drunk and just got in thread not this thread! Sorry for being a biartch! :P:sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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