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The World Cup Post.


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The Ivory Coast are my new favourite team,

they were so ace to watch, easily more entertaining than the england game.

however it just re-afformed my hatred of the argentinians, they must actually practice diving at training, they dive every time they get touched or they lose the ball.

I hope Ivory Coast and Holland go through out of that group, and Argentina go home, but i can't see that happening.

As for England, pretty much what i expected, it's like we are almost amazing, but there is some invisible wall of lameness stopping us from achieving greatness. Lets just hope rooney plays soon so he can single handedly win the cup for us.

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Shocking 2nd half preformance from england! hahahaha

If they play like that in the rest of their games they will b sayin bye bye to any chance of winning the world cup! Not that they'v got a chance anyways!!

Only bout 10 weeks to the new season! :D

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England have no excuse not to do well, other than there lazy, they have one of the best if not best team on paper.

How crap are Sweeden?

You'll find all South American teams along with most European teams such as Spain, Portugal, Italy dive.

Argentina offside goal has confussed me, he wasnt offside, it was a shot, they werent interfering with play and when they did it was the goalie that passed it to them.

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football matches are an excuse for low life chavs to get pissed, have fights etc...

the world cup is a global excuse for lowlife chavs to get pissed and have fights etc...and an excuse for shops to get filled up to their tits in england flags and crappy merchandise that people will buy just cause its the world cup :ermm:

all this money is being put into football yet hospitals etc are going down the pan which isn't right just think if they put a couple of ''top players'' multi million pound wages into researching diseases and stuff like that then less people would die

football players don't deserve the money they get AT ALL! firefighters risk their lives to save people for alot less money and all football players do is do whatever they can to get in the papers and ''earn'' more and more money

i just hate 'pro' football so yeah :closedeyes:

rant over

sorry hard with your rant! lol o j babs

i have to agree with you there though my friend, apart from the chavs part, i mean yes some chavs do do that but some people just enjoy watching the football like...erm...me! I really think footballers on a wage of 9m plus a year should give 20% of their wage to a charity of their choice. EVERY YEAR.

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Don't know if anyone saw that Rio Ferdinand wind up program.

Rooney got asked on his wind up thing if he would give £50000 to help a vets as a joke, and he tried evading it. It's like one weeks salary. That sort of thing annoys me.

And whats with that merced phrase Rio kept using.

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Don't know if anyone saw that Rio Ferdinand wind up program.

Rooney got asked on his wind up thing if he would give £50000 to help a vets as a joke, and he tried evading it. It's like one weeks salary. That sort of thing annoys me.

And whats with that merced phrase Rio kept using.

Yes, but WHY should he give money to some vets? Would you give a weeks wages to vets?

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Don't know if anyone saw that Rio Ferdinand wind up program.

Rooney got asked on his wind up thing if he would give £50000 to help a vets as a joke, and he tried evading it. It's like one weeks salary. That sort of thing annoys me.

And whats with that merced phrase Rio kept using.

Yeah i saw that and the Beckham one and David James ones were great, Beckham was getting so so pissed off

As for the game, England actually played pretty damn well in the first half, they actually moved for the ball rather than just letting the ball move to them all the time

On the note of him taking off his best strikers, he took Joe Cole off as had taken a knock and was shattered, might as well rest him and the same for Owen, he needed a rest as he aint at 100% fitness and never will be.

Its gonna be hard for England cos of the weather but i think if we can play as good in all the games as we did in the first half against Paraguay then we will do well, still doubt we can win it.

Beckham did play pretty well which really suprised me, he is a good player but never usually gets that stuck in!

I've had my say for now


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Argentina offside goal has confussed me, he wasnt offside, it was a shot, they werent interfering with play and when they did it was the goalie that passed it to them.

but he was a yard forward when the other player took a shot and that's an advantage when he went on thee rebound.

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but he was a yard forward when the other player took a shot and that's an advantage when he went on thee rebound.

Yeah but still e wasnt interfering with play at that point as it wasnt a part of the move until it came back off the goalie.

The offside rule is a joke though.

All those that moan about football go out and try and pay the game before you maon and slag it of, I cant help it that your crap.

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Huh? ther's a world cup :P

I dont see why i should support the England team, fair enough there representing the country but i bet you wouldnt see any football fans turn an interest towards the british bike trials team?


You living on planet dingo dango.

Footbals a big thing and a national sport if you havent heard of football you must be livingunder the sea.

Bike trials is rare sport I doubt many people would have heardof it, what a stuid comparision to make.

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Haha, Mexico vs. Iran is on now.

I reckon mexico will win... hmm might end 2-1

janson? how can you even post in this topic? - sweden were soooooo disappointing :lol:

oh well.. they were unlucky.. :P

wtf? denmark aint in the WC at all... (N)

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Jermaine defoe shouldve gone instead of Owen

I like Owen, he performs well at big occasions eg Portugal 2004 Korea 2002 France 1998.

And he also played well at Euro 2000 even though england never made it past the group stages.

England have the best chance ever this year easily and the mayority of the squad can play in the next world cup so its looking good.

I hope the fact we only have limited amounts of strikers doesnt hinder us. :ermm:

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:rtt: hes Scotish

Typical scots with their elwanko football squad.


Naaah, its just too easy to wind you english guys up :P Now rugby thats a proper game, and one that scotland ain't too shabby at :- I have to admit though i am getting drawn into the world cup, although diving pisses me off sooooo much, so blatent most of the time!


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