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What A New Rider Should Learn?


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the best way to learn would be to dial the basics.

Dont try big moves if you cant do the simplest moves.

1st thigns to learn:

Trackstand (standing still on the spot)

Bunny hop

once you get them dialed, you can move on

Back hop

blunt (or whatever its called round your way)(moving forward while hoping on the back wheel)

side hop

then again, once dialed you can move on.

Dont expect to get good quick, it does take alot of practice

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i learned stuff in this order:


backhop (from endo)

normal back hop

pedal kick


pedal up

and thats about it atm, ive been riding for 1 month and 3 weeks or so and i can do as many backhops as i want,

25inch sidehops (from 2wheels and from 1 wheel 2), pedal up near 30 inch.

but i kinda suck at gapping, can only do about 1meter =/

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^^^ I agree with what he said.

THe first thing you should tell us, is what you already know how to do.

FOr example, balance or trackstand, or get onto the rear wheel in anyway.

THen at that point we can give you a little better direction to go at that point. Like if you can track stand, then we could say you should try hopping forward, and maybe start trying to get onto your rear wheel.

All I am saying is that we need more information, to help you as best as we can.


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I agree that you should learn trackstand first. I made the mistake of not learning it and no my balence is still terrible. But from then on I just suggest back hops and pedel kicks. I found drops a great way to learn as soon as I could backhop as it kept me interested.

Thats just what I think, though I was trying to have as much fun as possible and not worry about getting good while I was learning.

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Well the main thing is definetly a track stand once you master that, learn they way i did



bunny hop

back hop

side hop

pedal kick

rock walk

small drop offs

and so on i could go for a long time but they are pretty much the basics of trials good luck and keep it up

Cheers from BIG L (Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When trying to do a trackstand.

Angle your front wheel at around 45 degrees away from the side that you have your foot forward.

If you feel you are losing balance try to move your wheel. Slightly twist it, don't do big twists as you might go past your balance point. If you still feel you are going to fall twist it more. If you feel your falling back the other way, twist back to where you were coming from.

Falling left = twist wheel to the right Falling right = twist wheel to the left

Also look around 1.5-2 meters ahead, this is quite important because it helps a lot.

It's mostly just practice, balance is the basis of trials. Keep at it.

Just realised that what i just said may not be user friendly. I think Trashzen has a better tutorial.

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as trials_pimp said, learn those basics and just get to grips with your bike..as you become more confident, move out and find some walls and benches, or even just some lips you could try and pull some air off, just so you can really ge tto grips with the bike...

when you feel you have alot of control and know the limits, try doing some simpe things from place to place.. watch some vids of other riders and pick up some tips from their skills...from there be different and tr and make your own moves.. but the key thing is to make sure you know your bike, so you can get the full from it

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i agree with all the other replies, another thing that really helps to bring on your ridin is go out and ride with other people that are learning and people that are also better than you as these people will push you and show you how to do the techniques rather than you reading about them. also watching videos that can help. (Y)

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