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Hit By A Car

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  N.Wood said:

Who told you that out of interest?

No one seems to have been given a difinitive answer, only what they think should be right or what their dad's mate's grandfather was told by a drunk man who saw a policeman once.

Never been hit by a car luckily, i ride on the pavement as much as possible which cuts chances down alot.

I read it somewhere on here I think, off some bike code website.

And its just common sence really, A trials bike with no seat, isnt going to be able to keep up with traffic at 30 mph, so just get on the pavement.

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  willdasexybeast said:

i suppose that is quite a funny spelling mistake. luckily for me this time me and my bike did not have a scrath on it. which is more than i can say about the car, it had to be about £1000 worth of damage no jokes. u dont normally hear of the cyclist doing over a car do you! :D

I don't know... I left more damage the one time I got hit.

I was riding home years ago during autumn at 20:00 (so it was dark). Was riding my BMX along the cycle path about to cross at the traffic lights. Looked up and the green man was there so I continued. It must have just disappeared as I looked down because some middle-aged prat in some luxurious car, already half-way across the crossing anyway, done a wheelspin and when into my back wheel.

My stunt peg obliterated his light and wing. My back end just spun out from beneath me and I scraped along the floor. A few minor cuts then some huge graze and bruise on my hip... hurt like shit at the time. Luckily I didn't hit my head because I wasn't wearing a lid and would have probably had a nice hole in my skull.

It didn't dissuade me from riding as stupidly. I just stayed on high alert for twats in big cars that they can't drive properly.

Thinking back to it I was probably lucky he managed to brake quickly. I'm sure if he hadn't he would have run over my upper body and I wouldn't be here! They'll have to try harder next time.

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a friend from fareham come down to the local area and was locking up his car and checked as any one would out side halfords car park, about 10 mins later we were stopped by the cops and were told we were braking into cars :ermm: he also said when we were to leave to the mod riders at the time ( there were 4 of us a bmx, a mod, and two stocks) that were were not allowed to ride on the road as we had no seat and/or are wheels were too little :)

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I have been

Straight after school theres a junction and i went acroos on my bike and a twocer doing 40mph hit my side with the front of his van and knocked me to the other side of the road. My bike was fine I was a little scratched up and all these people were making a big deal over it, he even offered me his van though (i tohught it was a joke so i said no). Ahh memories.

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From what I was told a while back, I thought it was Wheelsize under 20" and seattube under 12" made it a kids bike, and was therefore made pavement legal or something? Either way, on a mod, I'm pretty sure you could try blagging it...

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  adamtrials said:

However riding on the pavements is illegal...

Bearing that in mind it's perfectly plausible that the driver could in fact take YOU to the cleaners at court. Would be easy for them to make up some bullshit about being traumatized by the experience and say how they would have noticed you had you been on the road and not breaking the law by riding on a pavement. Probably happened somewhere already to be honest...

  J-KAY said:

this hasnt got anything about cars but about 2-3 weeks ago, me and my mate decided to go to southampton for a ride. Got on the train from bognor regis, changed at barnham and we was off to southampton, only a fewer stops than normal so it was quicker and we went straight past a station at full speed without stopping and then for some reason, the train had its brakes on full and me and my mate was like "WTF! did he just miss the stop and now hes going back?" but it just stayed there and then a train man came along and said

"stay calm boys, we've just run someone over"

my mate and i was like :blink:

we had to stay on that train for 2 hours!! it was quite an experience.

John K

That's a regualr occurance on railways. It makes me so f**king sick though. People who wish to commit suicide shouldn't do it like that. Think how the driver of the train is going to feel after having to go through an experience like that, they'll feel like they've pretty much killed someone. They could be the nicest person in the world and something like that would absolutely destroy them. Plus there's the people who have to clean up after and just the whole "ripple" effect of such a death.

Anyway on topic: I regularly experience the country's idiots on the roads as I cycle to school, work and anywhere reasonable really. Most recent one was at a junction I was indicating to go right and someone came down that road to the right and pulled out basically right into me, I had to swerve from the middle of the road and mount the pavement to avoid him.

AND WHAT A SURPRISE, IT WAS AN OLD FART. Not a bloody clue those wrinklies.

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  fruitbat said:

There is one lad, i cant for the life of me remember his name but he is a mate of Tim(DrEvil on TF) who had a huge huge gash out of his leg when he hit a car, the scar is a cracking one, ill try find out who it is and get pics-not nice pics though


aye that was kev some pics in thread some more pics have way down the first topic

also some more pics on this video - tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/leedstrials and its damnation6

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I had a thought about this and the asked my friend who is a police officer and he said, you are classed as a child and can ride responcible on the pavements under the age of 12, but the polive can still ask you to get off if riding dangerously. There is no law saying that riding on the road without a seat is illegal or anything like that, but it is legal to ride a 20" bike on the pavement as it is classed as a childs bike, which means they still have the althority to ask you to get off and give you one of those stupid note things which in writing says dont do it again!! so thats what he said and thats what it said in the book, which is really pants :( but remember trespasing in not an arestable offence you can only be asked to move on!! so ride in really orcward places and in peoples gardens!!! lol



And i have never been hit by a car although i have riden into one which pulled out on me and rode off because my bars scratched a mean line down the side, his fault though!!

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