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British Biketrial Championship Round 3

BikeTrial Federation

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good event Matt, was very nice of you to put on a light show in the morning too (Y)

That "light show" woke me up >_< bloody thunder storm!

Was a good event though, lots of variety in the sections too. First few sections of my 2nd lap were fun in the heavy rain!

Thanks to organisers and observers (Y)

Edited by cultiv8ed stan
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Yeah it was a great event.

Sections were really good, really well set out. In the dry they were super grippy but in the rain, deadly haha.

I wish the weather would make up its mind though. It was way too hot on the first lap, then way to wet and crappy on the second haha.

I thought the programs where really good.

Should have them at all rounds.

Was a good day, had a good ride, had fun.

Brilliant (Y)(Y)


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Full and final results seem to be a little slow coming through, that aside, I would like to say well done to all those that survived being cooked and then drowned all in one event. How unpredictable can weather be!!!! I felt sorry for the observers, most had prepared for a “day at the beach” – they froze when the storm came in.

In my opinion the rain improved the sections, as they were on the easy side in the dry, that said wet laps were completed 0's, (I think), and 1's.

Congratulations to Ben, James and Robbie for winning their classes, and to all those that survived the day.

With four rounds gone and only Hook Woods, (final round), left in September the championship standings are taking shape and make interesting reading.

If anyone out there is thinking about giving a National event a try I would urge them to give Hook Woods a go, it’s a great venue and the team running the final round can always be relied upon to provide good sections.


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