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boon racoon

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Holy Christ ......NO! Or should that be MOO!

But my old jump spot was next to a gay meeting place in Liverpool. Every day some fruit would come by and give me the eye while I was digging ......drove me bloody crazy! I must have a sweet arse or something.

One time I jumps over the wall to find some guy with his pants down, tugging away while checking out a wank mag! I was like "dude, what the fugg are you doing", guy slowly pulls his pants back up, takes his mag and slowly walks off like I had spoilt his day or something! Oh and the time some freak nearly ran me over for telling him to get a life ...boy was he mad! Plus many other lewd tales.

Thank god the council bulldozed the place and allowed me to see the light and buy a trials bike.

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Haha thats the funniest news article I've ever read.

Last year my friend found out his next door neighbour was a rapist, and was wanted for raping about 6 teenage girls. The guy had a family and everything, it sure would suck to be his kids....

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On this field next to my local skate park, there's about 30 caravans and gypsie's have invaded. They've got horses and everything. It's pretty unusual as the whole village doesn't cover that much land, so pretty much everyone knows about it already.

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not the first time comething like thats popped up in the sun in recent years


"I saw the goat the next day — it did not seem too upset but it is difficult to tell." :lol:

LMFAO!!!! hahahahaha

I cant stop laughin at it! haha

Just told my mam, and she laughed her head off! haha

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Last saturday night, we had a stabbing a pub...guy died...and also some foreigner who lived in his van was set alight in his van and died :huh:

was it you joe? want to send the foreigners back to their countries? come on! admit it! we know you couldnt handle him being near you. he tried it on didnt he?

im sure thats more like the truth ;)

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In my town there is some right scandle atm!!! some drunk on weekends has been climbing lamp posts in the square and puting some big red hoop on them...

no one knows who! do they ---------->BEN TRAVIS!!!!!!!!!<---------

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seems i live in a normal area then, apart from just down the road some guys house was tourched whilst he was in there, people could apparently see him at the window trying to get out :(

but if a rapist or pedo lived next to me, or near i swear i'd kick the shit out of him and make his life hell (Y)

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but if a rapist or pedo lived next to me, or near i swear i'd kick the shit out of him and make his life hell


You would do nothing. You wouldnt just walk next door and beat someone up on suspision.

Even if it was prooven, you still wouldnt.

If it was me, and I found that my next door was a pedo/rapist.

I would do nothing. Not my business to. I dont surport it, but im not getting involved.

As for animal love, there was a guy giving it large to a horse next to shoreham airport a few years back.

Got seen by the train as it passed and ran hone naked. Told his wife he was mugged, and then the police tuned up at his house with his clothes, to arrest him for loving a steed.

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hahahahah that cow one and the goat one are hilarious

Wasnt there a great news story before about a guy who met some bird on the internet, fell in love with her and when he went to meet her it was his mum, that was hilarious but i just cant find the article


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Erm, some guy was seen in co op on cctv stoned out of mind falling into the flowers and stuff and was then found full of blood and burns on the market later that night. He was pronounbed dead.

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There is a freaky guy that hangs round solihull that always asks to "see your veins". :ermm:

He has been to jail in the past when some girl showed him and, he had at her with his mate stanley.

His house gets decorated by the local youth every halloween. :)

Apart from that its just stabings and gun crime.

Oh and when i was still at school there was a kid that i think was in Austs year that smeared his shit all over the walls in the lads toilet. I think he was expelled.

Edited by spangler
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who said it was rape :-

you can always tell by the pitch of the moo

The only thing which worries me is the amount of silly old people in my hometown. Theres so many crazy old ladies come into work. Its so funny because theres 2 old women, one's a catholic, ones a protestant and my god they make sure the whole shop knows it. They're always arguing about whos religion is better, and even after ones gone home, they preach to me for about 5 minutes straight.....

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Oh and when i was still at school there was a kid that i think was in Austs year that smeared his shit all over the walls in the lads toilet. I think he was expelled.

Ought to be shot, unless he actually has a mental problem.

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