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How Well Do You Ride?


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I was just wondering. If you have not been riding for six months say as an injury like a broken arm has stopped you would you lose all your tallent because my mate has done that and he was really good and im wondering if he will lose it. Wil he?

And another quick thing so i dont have to do two topics what forks do tou think i should get for my onza t pro?

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Edited by BIG L
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It's like riding a bike, when you can do it, you can allways do it. He might be sketchy at first, but that's cos his muscles wouldn't be strong enough, the technique and know-how is still there.

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no, he'll not lose all his talent. after a week with riding he'll be just as good.

it happened to a friend of mine, he didn't ride on 9 months

hope you got wiser :P

Yeh i did get wiser so he will get it back in a while and what did your mate do??

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he had 3-4 months without riding. then he broke his arm. when he could ride again he hit his head HARD. then when he was fully healed he started riding again ;)

Yeh i was thinking maybe some echo forks because i quite like them and how much do they cost?

£68 at tartybikes

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Unlucky that is like one of my other mates to he has only just started trials at first he dislocated his ancle and broke the same leg and half a year later he broke his other leg and now we call him peg leg! l

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Unlucky that is like one of my other mates to he has only just started trials at first he dislocated his ancle and broke the same leg and half a year later he broke his other leg and now we call him peg leg! l

hahaha :P funny :P

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before asking prices and that on the forum..you really should check out a site which sells them

a couple of good ones off the top of my head are, tartybikes.co.uk, mjcycles.com and selectbikes.com

EDIT: check in the FAQ for more (Y)

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yeh my t-poo's got GUs on it, they look nice an make me feel confident on my front end because they are built like a tank. (Y)

pics of it... LINKAGE

but yeh echo lites are just as nice, lighter but obviously not stronger.

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I find that after a week or two out I ride better than before. Probably because of whatever reason I stay in and watch loads of trials vids - I think what happens is I get the technique in my head from watching it so much then go out and do it like I've seen it. Sort of forgetting the wrong way to do it, if you get what I mean. Kinda hard to explain.

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