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Best Mod For The New Guy.


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ok hey guys, i'm new here, and new to the trials scene, i like the look and style of the 20" mod's and have seen a few onza's and zoo's and things on eBay, but dont have a clue what to look for. :S so would it be possible to get some advice, and maybe some links or even post codes to shops near/in the south uk.

i've got about £500 - £600 to spend at the moment, so a few names and models of some good bikes would be greatly appreciated.

i dodon'tnow what info you want/need but im 18, medium build, 5' 8".

thanks guys. (Y)

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onza t-pros are the best starter mod bike and the best value for money. plus with your budget you will have money left over for up grades. have a look on www.tartybikes.co.uk. i strongly recommend this bike as i used to have one and so willl many others. they are only £420 so you will be able to get one comfortably.

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Tarty Bikes - Just about everything there is to do with buying trial, great customer service

Select Bikes - They import pretty much everything from dengs factory. Have a look some good quality parts and decent price.

Super Cycles - Main people for onza, although i've heard their deliverys a bit slow somtimes

Chain Reactioncycles - All the little bits and bobs, i use it for spares, puncture repair kits, innner tubes, magura spares ect. Free postage aswel! but not much into trials more XC

Clean Bikes - Monty importers, pretty much everything Monty you can get from there, not delt with before but heard they are very good and friendly.

Trials-Uk - Just another trials specific shop, mainly importing V!Z parts but also has some other pretty cheap stuff. Great guy to deal with.

Cant think of anymore at the moment, save these to your favroutes they'll come in handy.


p.s, if your new to trials you will find that Trashzen will help you alot with all the moves ect.

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Go for an onza t-pro if you want a brand new bike, you can pick them up for £420.

If you dont mind getting something second hand have a look on ebay or look in the for sale section on the forum here. You might be able to get a really good deal on a python or echo team etc.

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  RandomHero said:

Go for an onza t-pro if you want a brand new bike, you can pick them up for £420.

If you dont mind getting something second hand have a look on ebay or look in the for sale section on the forum here. You might be able to get a really good deal on a python or echo team etc.

not for less than 600 i wouldnt think

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not for less than 600 i wouldnt think

depends on the condition, i reckon you could find one for £600 if you looked around...

Ok, quickly looked on ebay. searched zoo python and came up with...

Zoo Python

Looks like good condition, i know its £50 more than £600 but that was just a really quick look.

Edited by RandomHero
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  RandomHero said:

depends on the condition, i reckon you could find one for £600 if you looked around...

Ok, quickly looked on ebay. searched zoo python and came up with...

Zoo Python

Looks like good condition, i know its £50 more than £600 but that was just a really quick look.

Yea I saw that one, and am thinking of getting it. I’m in the processes of moving house at the moment though so will have another look around in a few weeks, and probably get a t-pro or another onza, and then like Andy h said, I can upgrade a few bits and bobs along the way with the left over cash.

Looks like I’m going to be spending a good few hours on this forum asking you guys some questions, hope you all don’t mind? :D

Thanks for your help and advice!

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If you go on www.ebay.co.uk there is a zoo python for £650 but i dont know how much postage is i suspect around £30 they are amazing bikes and cost around £1050 new its in pretty good con and that is a good deal!

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