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Fresh Products Chain Tensioner


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I just thought id write a small review about my fresh products chain tensioner as it seems fresh products are going up in the world of trials.

Tensioner - Fresh products chain tensioner

Price - £28

Colours - Raw aluminium

Brought from - Freshproducts website

Well, it was about 4 months ago when i decided it was time to lose the slipping gears and go for singlespeed. I had apsolutely no idea which chain tensioner to buy so i took a chance and got a Fresh products single speed tensioner. I was very impressed with the 4 different types of bolts that the tensioners were available in, quick release, bolts, 12mm and chris king fun bolts. I am currently running the chris king version of the tensioner. The way the tensioner mounts onto the frame is fairly complicated but once it is secured correctly it is very simple to adjust the chain tension. The chris king fun bolts bolt onto your wheel axle through a main bolt hole in the tensioner and then a small bolt on the tensioner bolts through your mech hanger for added strength. Once both of these have been done up tighty there is no way of this tensioner failing on you. As i said i have had it for around 4 months now and i have had no problems whatsoever. i have landed on the mech on solid concrete walls only to find the chain slightly slacking. Whip an allen key out and you can have your tension back in 30 seconds max. I was surprised at how light this product is when i collected it from the post office i thought they might have forgot to include it in the box! It is definitely much lighter than my huge rear mech i used to run before. The nylon chain roller is wide enough for my KHE collapse chain to run through smoothly without it slipping off, and the roller also includes 2 sealed cartridge bearings which allow the roller to run very smoothly and quietly. After 4 months of riding no visible damage had been done to the roller, whereas the chain tensioner itself only has a few scratches and chips taken from it. The body of the tensioner has drilled holes in the side which help to keep the product light and looking good. This tensioner is able to use 2 different ways of tension, you can run the chain over your rear cog and then under the tensioner or you can run the chain over your rear cog and then over the tensioner. I would recommend that you run the chain over your rear cog and then over the tensioner so that more chain is gripping the rear cog which reduces the chance of the chain slipping off.

I am so pleased with this product that i will be getting a second one if this one breaks which i cant see happening anytime soon as it really is a top quality product.

Overall i am going to give this a 10 out of 10 because of the very reasonable price of £28 and the outstanding quality of the product and ease of adjustment to your chain tension.

I hope i've been of help, more reviews coming up shortly.



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Just out of intrest has anyone snapped a FP tensioner yet ?

Kyle Hinchcliffe has snapped two I think (definately at least one anyway). Not heard of many snapping though, especially considering the ammount of people who have them.

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turns out i should have read this review before buying my DMR one, it sucks so much balls, it cant even keep my chain tense for one ride, no matter how hard i tighten the bolt! PLUS. having to tighten it up all the time only means one thing, round the fooooking bolt. grrrr, bring on the chris king

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So does anyone know if they can be bought from elsewhere?

Thanks for your help.

No they can't, unless you can find a 2nd hand one in the for sale/wanted section. I shouldn't think it'll be long before they're producing them again though.

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whilst we are on the subject of chain tensioner reviews. thought id write a quick one about the DMR Sts chain tension.

the price is anywhere from £15.99 - about £20 and is attached to the rear mech hanger. As it runs on a wheel rather than a cog so it wont work if your chain is overly thick which can be quite anoying. also having problems keeping the tension once it is there. tried all sorts of different things i.e locktite but the mech hanger bolt always seems to come loose and therefore loosing the tension in my chain.

apart from those two problems the build quality of the unit is pretty solid as you would expect from dmr and looks like it will last a while. its suffered 2 or 3 direct hits on a wall and has not even slightly bent it. pretty impressed as my mech would have probably folded in half first time.

if there was a way to keep bolt tight i would recomend this unit all the way... hope this helps someone out there, also anyone got any other ideas to keep the mech hanger bolt tight?

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