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Trials Specific Shoes

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hi people

was out riding yesterday when i slipped the pedal, put my foot down akwardly and it twisted pretty hard. went home iced it, tubi gripped it ect and wasnt too bad this morning. this is the second time ive done this and the first time was alot worse. basically i was wondering if its worth getting trials specific shoes instead of my current etnies? would they give me any more support in these situations and is the grip really that much better on the pedal? im not asking which ones to buy so please no pointless posts saying buy these ect and i have also done a search to check im not repeating and if i am can someone please show me the way and shut this topic up (Y)

all help apreciated



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you dont want to wear boots because your ankles acts as springs when gapping jumping and especially landing and with boots on your ankles wont bend. get some pedals with pins like V8's in and wear astro turfs, those 2 combinations are the best for grip and will never slip (Y)

John K

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astros will never slip with V8's (Y)

the reason why you probably twisted your ankle so badly is probably because with etnies you only slip them on, no need to do shoelaces or whatnot and there fairly loose on your feet so your not gonna have alot of support. if you tie your shoelaces up tightly (but people dont tie shoelaces with etnies because it dont look right) you have alot less chance of twisting your ankle

astros (Y)lol

John K

Edited by J-KAY
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Hi mate,its proberly a good idea to buy trials spercific shoes but some people choose not to.But they do help with the grip and most of them fit tightly to your foot to sucure it.also trials shoes have vent to keep all the sweat and s**t out of ur feet and it keeps it venterlated.I would mnd the ribos they are pricey but good wearing and beasty shoes they also provide ankle protection so you dont get ankle dig or batter your foot!,but if you do like the feel of the skate shoes you could also try or get the inopias from tartybikes.most people like to sick with the trial shoes though!hope you find your shoes and i hoped i helped

cheers danny B)

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i know people will disagree but i say people talk about shoes far too much - i just wear the pair that are nearest to the door - if they have a floppy shoe it can hurt the middle of you foot - but i dont like a skate shoe rigid platform - just wear you shoes id only get pixie shoes if i was in national comp where apparently you have to have ankle protection??? i wouldnt know!!! just ride an learn to bail propperly - or buy pixie boots :D

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I wear a pair of Puma running shoes I got for about £20.

Only thing I can see trials specific shoes doing is velcroing the laces out of the way of the chain. Plus, from what I've seen they all have that platform-style sole? I always felt that rolling onto the blade of my foot (for weight distribution while trackstanding) on platform soles can be iffy because you can twist your ankle if you push too far over (due to the edge on the sole). With the trainers I wear they have a nice rounded sole on the blade of the foot so I can roll onto it smoothly - decent grip, nice feel and you can just tuck in the laces (Y)

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  munch8987 said:

I use a pair of 661 hammers, lovly and comfortable and got s*** loads grip. Had mine just over a yearand a half now, use them for work and ridding, and the tread patterns only just started beginning to fade (Y)

Seriously good bit of kit :)

Baragin buy

i had my hammers like 2 month and they were knackerd as in heel an toes out the shoe knackerd (N) ,

the looks are not good and they dont last neither do circa al202s as they are also crap get some ORCHIDS (Y)

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  willdasexybeast said:

it is possible you just get 4 bolts (probably avalible from your local bike shop) that would normally be used for 4 bolt mounts. you then take all the quick release mounts and everything offf of the metal things that hold the brakes. you then just simply put the 4 bolts through the 4 holes and bolt the whole thing to the frame.

I had this problem, got some Orchids and solved it (Y)

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I will tell you what you want to get dont get some trials shoes for ankle support get basketball shoes i used to ride with them they give you loads of support and they are very comfy!

Hope ive helped Cheers from BIG L

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