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Need To Buy A New Motor Bike........


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Hi, i need some help on which bike to chose.........

A mod may move this if i have it in the wrong place.

I am moving in to the adult clubman class next year and i am getting a new bike, It is going to be a beta for definite but i am not sure which one to get, the 250 or the 200.

I am currently riding an 05 125cc beta and really like it but i am getting a new 07 in november and i have decided to get a more powerful bike.

I would like to know if the 200 beta is still like what its was in 2001-2002, well at least what my mates was like, it was very dead feeling and petty gutless for hill climbs and steps.

I was all for the 250 as i had a shot on my mates and loved it, only in 1rst gear as it has enough power for me, that was just because i was used to the 125, i presume i would get used to the 250 in 2nd and 3rd after a while though.

I then went to a trial on sunday and three people said to get 200's because they had the grip of the 125 and enough power so you do not need to have full revs at the bottom of a 2ft step like you do on the 125. This left me confused and very unsure of what to do so i thought i would ask on her as there is a few motor bike trials riders and it would save me registering on trials central.

The only problem is there is not many people with 200 in scotland now because of the 125 rule for youths, so it is not easy to get a shot on one.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

200, they're the grippest bike ever built. I don't know where you're from so I dont know how the grading works round your area, but a 200 is ample for must clubman stuff I've ever seen. Try both, and try another 125. I've done alot of expert stuff on well set-up 125s.

Edit: I've just re-read your post and I've seen where you're from. I'd still say get a 200...

Edited by bikerider
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I Agree. theres a lad just gone onto a 200 beta off a 250 im my center and hes riding much better. Also i and a few others in my area are riding the expert route on 125's, and im 13 stone :( mine pulls me great aslong as i keep it revving. look at alexz wigg etc, that shows you what a 125 is capable of doing. if you ask me a 200 is a perfect clubman bike. (Y)

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Beta 200 any day (Y) I ride an 05 one in Expert and i've never found it to be lacking in power. Although mine has a lightened engine and a few carb mods but still they are the most ridable bikes out there (Y)

Rumer has it that the 07 Betas are going to have a completly new frame! still alloy though :-

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Beta's never lacking on steering lock B) Personally I reckon Beta won't go for a new frame. It's taken over 6 years to perfect this one. I reckon that they'll junk the Mikuni and go EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) and make their current 2T run super clean :)

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Beta's never lacking on steering lock B) Personally I reckon Beta won't go for a new frame. It's taken over 6 years to perfect this one. I reckon that they'll junk the Mikuni and go EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) and make their current 2T run super clean :)

You never know! My info can straight from Italy so i'm pretty confident it'll happen. EFI is also on the cards there were rumers that Beta would go 2 stroke fuel injection about 2 years ago and I feel that this would be the better option over 4 strokes. Just think how responsive a fuel injected 2 stroke would be!!

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Just think how responsive a fuel injected 2 stroke would be!!

I'd still rather they just bung a better carb on there, or fully sort out the mikuni once and for all :blink:

Just think how responsive a fuel injected 2 stroke would be!!

I'd still rather they just bung a better carb on there, or fully sort out the mikuni once and for all :blink:

My info can straight from Italy so i'm pretty confident it'll happen

Straight from Italy eh?

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