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Doin A Demo In Bristol

mr kenny

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hey we are doing a demo in bristol for the urban x rat race if you up for it let me know opm me or text me with your number if you got mine.....

right little cryterea!

gota be over 18(insurance),gotta be of good ridingf abilty and not a whyny wingy bassssturd.

this is going to be just the ridin there is npo money or freebies involved and

preffrabally commit to the other two(edinburghand manchester)

dates and info in links.

i need to know names and stuff, so you can't just turn up and expect to ride)



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i could be over 18

Porter you could get away with it. shall we do it?

yeh yeh it'd be good to see you lads....we will ride a bit of street and film a fair bit aswell...

porter you still got my number?if not pm me

john pm me if you are up for it like i saud it's be good to see you.

kenny (Y)

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