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How To Build Confidence Up !

danny 123

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I just need some advice in how to build my guts up my mates are doing little drops and i cant do them :$ It feels wierd like i am going fall off then my mates moan at me and it gets me really mad i just need some advice please how you build your confidence up will you help me please.

Many thanks danny

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Just keep riding. It takes time. Do slightly bigger things over time and dont go and try something huge that you dont know you can do, unless u want to get hurt. It takes time. Im a panzie myself.

Edited by justfuzzit
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  danny 123 said:

I just need some advice in how to build my guts up my mates are doing little drops and i cant do them :$ It feels wierd like i am going fall off then my mates moan at me and it gets me really mad i just need some advice please how you build your confidence up will you help me please.

Many thanks danny

We dont moan at you we push you..

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  justfuzzit said:

Just keep riding. It takes time. Do slightly bigger things over time and dont go and try something huge that you dont know you can do, unless u want to get hurt. It takes time. Im a panzie myself.

I thought you called yourself a German WW2 tank then, but thats a Panzer i think :S

Just wear protection(ooh er) and go for it. If you die; you die.

Edit: (Not really the most sound advice there)

Edited by Joe_Kearney
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I just need some advice in how to build my guts up my mates are doing little drops and i cant do them blushing.gif It feels wierd like i am going fall off then my mates moan at me and it gets me really mad i just need some advice please how you build your confidence up will you help me please.

Your confidence comes with riding, as you get better you will try bigger!

Just keep riding & training hard

Edited by SamMonty
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do things progressively, for example find a wall that is small on one end and big on the other and work your way up it, also what i find helps on my DH bike is if i close my eyes and visualize myself sticking whatever it is im trying to do, then on the next run in i tend to stick it!



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  InteractClothing said:

most confidents is lost through ooooh no i dont want to scratch my bike.....just dont give a shit n do it with a helmet on though :D:D

:lol: I've never seen you wear a Helmet in you video's and you do some preety big stuff.

Anyway yeah ... helmet boosts your confidence and also drops helped me but i don't advise them as they just f**k your bike.

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I was in the same position, well i got annoyed at myself for not doing things because i was pretty sure if i just tried a bit harder i could manage it.

Then i went down to my mates for a week last week, there was five of us there and i was the only one not doing anything because i couldn't get the confidence(i would say confidence is the most important thing in trials.)

So the next day i tried a few more things just, small and worked my way up which helped me.

I am now improving and really enjoying riding where as before i was not enjoying just sitting around watching.

I am not even nearly as good as the other guys but i am working on it.

So i would say the way to get more confidence is just to go on rides with people, probable better than you so that you can push you're self more and also get help from them, to show you how things are done.

Good luck with you riding buddy.

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if you're just talking drops then ride at them fast and bunnyhop off - it's a lot safer (IF you keep the front up) and will teach you that the drop is easy, once you've got that down you can fanny about on your backwheel at the top and do it all trialsy style with full confidence.

that said - over confidence combined with shit brakes leads to head injuries so wear your bloody lid and make sure your maggies work.

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I was messing around at home, hopping off a small wall, only 5 or so foot. Anyway, 1st time I tried it my crappy shifters decided to change gear as I was pedal kicking; I went down and took a crank to the head. After fixing my bloody head, and kicking the crap out of the bike (it was *totally* not my fault, all the bike!) I tried it again.

I bailed out early, so I tried it again (bailed out). 2 days of me braking before the drop and I decide to pedal as fast as I can, not looking at the drop until it was too late of bail out. I did the drop fine and rode away with a stupid grin.

Moral of the story: you've got to avoid thinking about "what if" until your in the move (I'm not suggesting this is a good idea for 15 ft gaps, but for small drops and getting past confidence barriers it can help). Once your over the edge, your brain stops thinking about "Why am I here?" and about "How can I get out of here without a strecher?"

There is also a good article on www.trailsride.com entitled "The mental battle" - It was a good read.



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if this has not already been said. find a ledge on a hill or slant. one of those ones where the ledge is flat but there is a hill next to it. so the ledge gets bigger as you move down the hill (sorry for the vaigue description) and move gradully to the higher part of the ledge. this way you will barely nowtic the difference in the size of the drop you are doing. and soon you will be doing 4 or 5 feet without evan knowing it. i am sorry for the poor descritions but thats the way i learnt and it worked really well for me!!! (Y)

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  chris222pher said:

do things progressively, for example find a wall that is small on one end and big on the other and work your way up it, also what i find helps on my DH bike is if i close my eyes and visualize myself sticking whatever it is im trying to do, then on the next run in i tend to stick it!



this fella has got the right idea B) . riding dh built my guts up realy fast, i tell you what bombing down a mountain at 40mph is the way to do it, thats how i did it im sure it would work with you the same. also riding with people better than you also helps a grate deal because they do bigger things than you and then you have to go one better, good luck in building your guts up mate (Y)

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  Ride or die said:

Or it could be hights? I know the drop off was small but... :unsure: Could be..

And that why most people dont do Trials , Because they may be scared of hights.

I'm scared of heights, but on my bike I'm so much more confident with it. If it's only drops that you're not confident with, then don't wory, it's nothing unusuall. Everyone has their preferences and weak points. Just stick with it, have patience, and push yourself just that little bit further.


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wen you get to something and you look at it and go no way just look at it again. if your having a really good sday riding just go for it. just say screw it and when u do it u will just think y did i think that was hard. thats what gets me doing bigger and bigger things :D:D:D:D

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