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Effect Of Engagement Points On Riding

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I was just wondering how important it is to have more engagement points in a rear hub and what effect this has on your riding?

My hope hub has 20 engagment points which seems better than my old one that had 18 but I'm not too sure.

If you are used to say 72 engagement points, does going back to a hub with less feel really slack and unresponsive or does it not really make much difference? :S

Cheers (Y)

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It just means you have more "play" which can be very annoying.

Say you're rolling towards a wall. You pedal to lift the front wheel. With less engagements you'll be pedalling in a void for longer - it's not very fluent. With more engagments I would say you feel more like you're "one with the bike." ie. the bike moves when you move. It doesn't wait for instruction and then move. But then again, engagement points aren't the be all and end all of having play in the drivetrain: a slack chain doesn't help whatsoever.

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I have a Chris King hub, that has 72 engaugement points. I upgradeed up from a tnt ti hub, that had 20 or so points. What I noticed from the change was, that when preloading the pedals to make a move was much more solid feeling and i did't waste as much energy. Now whenever I get on a bike that dosn't have more than 52 points, it just feels like moosh. Look at it this way, when making small moves like in a comp, when making small kicks instead of having to move the pedals back really far to get to the next engaugement point, with more points lless movement you need to make with the pedals to get that small move forward. Therefor saving energy and being more presistant with your pedal kicks. I hope this helped somewhat.

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It dosn't really make you ride better, it's just a better quality feeling ride. About 50-100 ep's will do any rider, there's no need for more.

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