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Brand(s) To Import


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Hey guys, Just signed up, seems like a good thing you've got going here;

Anyway, I'm a Mountain Biker/Street Rider/Trials rider from the land down under (Australia) and my mate owns an Importing company, I'm the henchman for this and try to recruit possable companies for us to distribute;

Now as a company we think about all of the people we've got involved in riding, which has led me to find out from you (the trials geeks :P ) what you guys think is hot these days.

I've been looking at KOXX bikes but it happens our rival importing company are distributing them; Please put any input into this, i'm just looking for Frames/Bikes/Parts and also any other Bling bits you can think of! ie. Titanium bolts.

Any input would be great guys, Hope you can help me out.

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Can you get onza over there?

They are pretty much the most popular brand over here, everyone seems to start on an onza pretty much.

Also what about Monty? Zoo? Echo? Any of the Deng companys are making loads of bling bits, anodised

in all the colors of the rainbow :D look on tartybikes and see whats there that you like (Y)

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Titanium bolts sounds like a good idea if there is no major importers/producers in your country as they could be sold to all sorts of industries.

As mentioned before Onza sounds like a good idea, one of the few brands with appropriate pricing for full bikes :turned:

Edited by Shaun H
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I'm in the same situation - looking for brands which I could import to Poland. I started from Deng's brands. And I guess this is what you need. Especially that you are from Australia (quite close to China), so shipping costs wouldn't be so f**king big. Maybe try to import Hope or Chris King. I don't know what you've got there so it's hard to advise anything. Just write to companies and try to interest them with your offer. Some of them will deffo get interested. Maybe Modulo Bikes?? But they are sooo expensive and impose their way of making business. Look around. Watch on people's bikes and see what brands are most common. Then just throw emails to companies and try to cooperate.

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Yeah, Well i have been eying off Zoo/Echo, they look pritty darn good too me. Onza doesn't appeal to me too much however. Chris King would be a company we would like to import, However there is already an importer for them, and it'd be a bit of a fight to get CK to agree.

Cheers for the input so far guys, keep it comin'!

Edited by DrewR
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Is there an importer for onza there?

If not then I'm pretty sure you'd be rolling in the cash as pretty much all their products

are good, cheap and very popular.

Im sure you would like them then... :D

Yeah, there is 1 importer, but they're pritty much a bunch of dim-witted rednecks, so they don't fuss me too much.

As for the Onza, they look simple and all, but too me the Echo and Zoo frames stand out heaps more; If i knew some rough prices on the Onza bikes i may be a bit more keen.

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Yeah, Well i have been eying off Zoo/Echo, they look pritty darn good too me. Onza doesn't appeal to me too much however. Chris King would be a company we would like to import, However there is already an importer for them, and it'd be a bit of a fight to get CK to agree.

Cheers for the input so far guys, keep it comin'!

really have to disagree - onza is at the forefront of many trials components and full build bikes - they are cheap and quality components which offer full build bikes at a reasonable price for 1st time trials riders - if your hoping to hit it off in Oz you cant just say to people - buy this zoo pitbull with chriss kings and fresh tensioners - its only £1200 (or whatever im not going to exchange :P)

for you to run a buisness you need to sell the cheap bikes to the kids who will learn and come back for better more expensive parts. i think onza is the bike most MOD riders start off with and a large ammount of stock riders - people need reasonably priced trials bikes as an introduction and then offer high modifications so they can gradually imporve there bikes

my bike originally cost me £220 (bargin) which was a sarcacen MAD 2 six - now its a highly spec'ed echo control almost all pimped out - avid bb7 - hope ti - rb booster - you know the whole kit costing well over £800 id imagaine - so to get it kicked of you need to aim low offering gradual upgrades???

just my idea

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really have to disagree - onza is at the forefront of many trials components and full build bikes - they are cheap and quality components which offer full build bikes at a reasonable price for 1st time trials riders - if your hoping to hit it off in Oz you cant just say to people - buy this zoo pitbull with chriss kings and fresh tensioners - its only £1200 (or whatever im not going to exchange :P)

for you to run a buisness you need to sell the cheap bikes to the kids who will learn and come back for better more expensive parts. i think onza is the bike most MOD riders start off with and a large ammount of stock riders - people need reasonably priced trials bikes as an introduction and then offer high modifications so they can gradually imporve there bikes

my bike originally cost me £220 (bargin) which was a sarcacen MAD 2 six - now its a highly spec'ed echo control almost all pimped out - avid bb7 - hope ti - rb booster - you know the whole kit costing well over £800 id imagaine - so to get it kicked of you need to aim low offering gradual upgrades???

just my idea

Fair enough. I can see Onza is liked in your country. You see, we currently import high end Mountain bike brand such as Nicolai and NPJ and recently Deity, all of which cost a good buck but are insanly good quality; Not only that, but we only sell frame only, and seperate parts, we're not too keen on full bikes as we wish the customer to have the bike setup how THEY want it. But since everyone claims Onza are cheap, it may not be a bad idea just to sell them as completes for those on a budget and look at another company like Echo for example for the guys heavily into trials and willing to bust out the money bags.

We just aim to offer a service for any type of rider at maximum quality.

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No onza isn't "liked" like i just like it becuase i think that

Onza T-Vee - £249

Onza T-Bird - £329

Onza T-pro - £420

Full build bikes is fooking superb!!! my frame cost me more than a full build onza t-vee!!

its more with parents as these prices these are perfect birthday / christmas prezzies for kids becuase there easy to buy online - there the right price bracket and make thier kids :lol:

for example of the type of bike the Onza T-pro is effectivly an old Koxx XTP and you get a full build for the price the XTP's frame would have been! there super durable and good bikes - unlike other brands *cough mission cough* the parts are all swappable for any main stream components like a Aorta frame would swap stright for the t pro frame when the kid was ready to upgrade

oh an im gettin a mod t-pro 2nd hand soon :D because its soooo cheap i can run it just for comp.... or thats the plan hope i dont like it too much

Off down the beach bet its winter in OZ :P ill see what you've 1st thing when i get in - good speaking to you anyway thanks :D

Edited by pissin_on_the_fence
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People talking about importing Hope and Chris King etc it's probably worth mentioning that mountain biking is becoming massive in Australia atm hence the recent influx of pro riders from there. I'm pretty sure most mainstream frame and component producers will already have importers and several distributors out there already.

Also might be worth mentioning that Onza supply all there bikes in frame only options, so it's still perfectly viable to supply custom build bikes and retain Onza's superb value for money.

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What importing company you work for ? Basically echo, zoo ,czar all the deng products are already imported by biketrialsaustralia.com and koxx/try all mainly by Ribbed. There used to be a importer for BT but I think there isn't anymore so BT might be an option. I think Onza is definitely a good option they make pretty awsome stuff and we could do with more choices. Also maybe ashton ? worth a try. Oh and heatsink, monty and aorta are already covered too. Anyways good to hear more importers are getting in trials stuff (Y) good luck with it.

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