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My New Website

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Hi, I have been designing my website over the last few weeks and have got to the point where I don't think I can do anymore apart from add pictures and videos. So check it out,

My Webpage

Any ways I could improve please tell me.

Thanks Matt

Its ok you should get a pic of your bike

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Could do with a lot more content picture/movie wise, even if it's just links to them. The site could also be more descriptive, for example...

What is Trials

Well if your a trials rider yourself you will definatly know what trials is, but for those that don't know it's an ever growing extreme sport and my personal view on trials is that its very fun and rewarding, and definatly the best looking sport going. Ok, this site is about trials as you would have guessed. I will be showing pictures of, my bike, me riding my bike and local riding spots.

You sort of don't really answer the question and this sets the trend for a site which looks like it took 5 minutes to make. Keep adding content and it should be good eventually (Y)

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