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The Top Gear Thread


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Pretty much sum up the episode in one word; Yawn.

Ohhh, a car in the back of the truck...what on Earth will happen? By any chance will it fall out on the hill and will I be able to see two crew members in the back of the lorry?

Sure, some bits were funny. There are so many cars that would be interesting to see a review of, but yet they insist on these stupid gags. They're presenters, not actors!

If I hear "Ermmm...Jeremy....Jeremy, mate....<insert whacky, yet obvious observation here>" from Richard Hammond one more time...

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I was also told by someone (currently working alongside them) at the weekend that they're all really up their own arses, which I expected of Clarkson but thought the other two might be a bit more down to earth. Ah well, will keep watching anyway in case anything interesting gets tested but they really need to go back a step and reconsider where the programme's heading I think.

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1. Tiff Needell = Legend in his own right, no need to copy Clarkson as he knows a shit load more about cars and how to drive them well.

2. Top Gear is a show for entertainment, that's all it is nowadays. You don't watch a Bond film and get shitty because it's staged... Get over it, if you want "proper" reviews put up with Tiffs voice or read a car magazine.

I personally thought the new episode was very entertaining..

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Also, Top Gear used to be a motoring program where they tested cars and gave advice and information on useful stuff. Now I still enjoy them thrashing the pants off of supercars and Ben is an absolute legend (and, so I'm led to believe is a really nice down to earth guy). However stupid staged races etc was funny a couple of years ago but it's now just getting silly.

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2. Top Gear is a show for entertainment, that's all it is nowadays. You don't watch a Bond film and get shitty because it's staged... Get over it, if you want "proper" reviews put up with Tiffs voice or read a car magazine.

But it can be entertaining without treating the audience like complete idiots. Even if they made their pathetic gags a little less obvious then it'd be a little more acceptable.

Obviously bits of the challenges have to be a 'bit' staged, otherwise it'd be pretty boring - but sometimes its like watching ChuckleVision.

Then again, reading the reviews on the Top Gear website, it seems like most of the audience are infact idiots.

It Was A Very Funny Top Gear Including When Jezza’s Truck Whent On Fire

I rest my case...

Edited by anzo
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I think it was great to see top gear pushing into new boundaries. I think they've made the right move to head towards vehicle based entertainment, and it looks like this season might include boats, and scooters from the trailer. Its entertainment aimed at blokes, but women to a lesser extent too, primarily in their 30s. Its almost filling the place of the videos we get in the 'best of the internet thread' for those who are less likely to be on a forum such as this. Thats a recipe for a great entertainment show.

I do think it 's a bit too cheesy sometimes. I think the lorries thing would have been better if they had all had a cake, and there was no need for the leg to fall off the piano. I also like that the constantly evolve their video production methods, with different shots and editing techniques in ever series, some work bette than other, but overall its on the cutting edge of TV editing. If you look back a few years no one would have dared use as many jump cuts and sound effects, but top gear pushed it and now you see it in many more shows.

5th gears is good sometimes but I feel they should stick to proper car reviews of cars average people buy, as thats the hole in the market. When they try the silly stunts side of things it just comes off as a poor mans top gear.

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I haven't watched this yet and probably won't for some time.

The thing I find with Top Gear is that it doesn't live up to expectations any more. When you watch a new episode (or download one as i have to do) you want to be thrilled and entertained, but you're not. It's not necessarily the case when you've got a couple of episodes piled up and can watch them one after the other. So my remedy for this is to download 4 episodes at once some time next month. They're bound to be more fun to watch when you're not so pissed off that what you're watching is crap, and you'll have to wait another week for the next episode which might be better.

More events like the Britcar 24, that wasn't staged. And that's the main reason why it was so thrilling to watch.

The Botswana trip was also ace, mainly because there weren't any stupid breakdowns - maybe apart from Hammond driving into the river, I'm sure they knew it was too deep there. I think there are many possibilities to make this show entertaining without the need to stage things. I loved the double decker racing, that's a good example of what makes a show fun.

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In my opinion, last nights show was very entertaining. I don't care if it's staged, or whatever.

It made me and my dad laugh like hell. Okay i understand it is supposed to be a programme on cars, not decorating a truck to make it stealthy or sticking a dog kennel on the front of one to make it look like a bonnet.

But the point is, if they just drove around 'normal' cars and road tested them, the show wouldn't be half as popular as it is now. The stupidity and childishness is what makes it good to watch.

Jeremy Clarkson is a legend, he's brilliant at what he does, and makes the show what it is.

Richard and James are also very talented TV presenters, they add to the drama and charisma on Top Gear.

</slight rant>


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Nah, no ones saying the scripted aspect isnt a good thing, I think their just saying that its getting abit over the top, massivly predictable and its soooo obvious that its scripted now its unreal. Its been adapted to apeal to the 80% of this population with teeny tiny I.Qs. Its still one of the better things on T.V I just think it needs to go back and be a tad more about the cars.

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Nah, no ones saying the scripted aspect isnt a good thing, I think their just saying that its getting abit over the top, massivly predictable and its soooo obvious that its scripted now its unreal. Its been adapted to apeal to the 80% of this population with teeny tiny I.Qs. Its still one of the better things on T.V I just think it needs to go back and be a tad more about the cars.

Using the principles of IQs, I can safely assume that you are one of this impossible percentage (Y):P Jokes, I know what you mean.

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2. Top Gear is a show for entertainment, that's all it is nowadays. You don't watch a Bond film and get shitty because it's staged... Get over it, if you want "proper" reviews put up with Tiffs voice or read a car magazine.

Not true. There's a few other car review shows out there, they may not have on screen presenters but do have decent knowledge and reviewers behind them.

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