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Its Always Annoyed Me...

tom tom

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CILLIT BANG ADVERTS 4TW!!!oneone!111 Although Barry Scott does rock my small insignificant world


Cillit Bang..... ITS THE BEES KNEES!

Also as I have mentioned in another thread before- the new Frosties advert fronted by Joe Maher and Tony the Tiger :lol:

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90% if not more adverts these days dont advertise the actual product they are selling until the end of the advert

Advertising is about catching peoples attention and making something stick in your mind, if they can do this by starting miles off the point and doing a comedy Dave connection (Chris Moyles fans will understand) then so be it but its the silly adverts we remember, the ones that stand out!

As for the No Purchase Nescesary with the KitKat one it is all to do with the extras after, as in you dont need to purchase anything else. Once you get the ticket thats all you need, at the end of the day.....who would pay extra to go into the BB house, not me for one

Advertising is wank these days, you get people getting paid thousands of pounds to make adverts which have no relation to the product and somehow find a link


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Once you get the ticket thats all you need, at the end of the day.....who would pay extra to go into the BB house, not me for one

The people who aren't quite tardy enough to pass the auditions, but aren't normal enough to be released into society.

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I don't know how it is in the UK but over here a majority of the advertisements are to do with the upcoming football championships. I hate football more than anything else on this planet and yet I have to watch it on adverts:

-Media Markt - Get a 100% refund if you buy our products now and our football team will win (which is of course impossible, but knowing that people here are complete idiots and believe in our, as I understand, shit team, they will go and buy these tv sets because they're sure they'll get a full refund).

-Coca cola, Pepsi and snack foods (Lays which I think are Walkers in GB) have lots of shit "bonuses" in packets which put me off. All of them are to do with football.

I was doing a huge project about techniques of media marketing and look at these things in different ways. In my opinion the ads listed above appeal to the most primitive of human's behaviours.

Can this silly championship be over, can we please loose and can we not hear about any more? Please, make me a happier person.

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Can this silly championship be over

Your lucky though, over here is one ENDLESS cycle of championships...expect riots/deaths at the World Cup this year, so I'm told the Polish want to murder the English? lol, not sure how true that is but it should make things a hole lot more interesting.

In my opinion, riots are the best thing about football, just funny how serious some people take it...our team lost so lets burn their town to the ground...yay!

Oh, and when they show it on the news...some fat, bald man with a cap on and no shirt...tattoos all up his arms and chest, can of carling in one hand, brick in the other...ohhh, wonder what nationality he is?

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hah hah, i always wondered that.

Well, it might if say your friends found out you had imitation butter because you couldn't afford the 'real stuff' and they picked on you for it...talk about school of hard knocks.

Sounds ridiculous, but its reality.

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The advert for that bitter/beer where hundreds of people are running through the fields and they culminate to make a massive human collage of someone sipping a pint. Quality advert.

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Phones 4 U adverts suck

Halifax adverts suck...

Story time, my neighbour, she knows a woman who worked in the office that the halifax guy worked at...apparently all he does now since hes been in the adverts is sit around, doing nothing and gets paid a bomb for it.

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I watched some programme about advertising, and advertisement companies have found out that the best way of selling a product via television is to sell it to women, as women watch a hell of a lot more tv than men (i.e. throughout the day), so you will notice most adverts will involve a women making a fool of or having power over a man. And it works.

The other annoying adverts are the makeup adverts... does anyone actually believe the stuff they come out with? "Increases eye lash length by up to 50%!!!"

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Best advert in the world is out now...

'Bez's Top Manchester Songs'

I can't understand a word he says. Something about kissing a banana, and something about 'manchester, like! Bangin!'. Great comedy value on the advert.

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