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Chav Scum!


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"She told the Sun: "I didn't think I'd get pregnant because it was my first time. But I'm really excited and looking forward to being a mum."

i never thought id say this but sex education should really be taught to these kids when they are like 10 because by the time they get taught bout sex education they are already having sex!

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yeh i think there something wrong with me, all my friends think i'm a nazi or something...

doesn't bother me though, a bit of controversy never hurt anyone.

Ditto. Its good to speak your mind, no one does it anymore because its illegal.

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yeh i think there something wrong with me, all my friends think i'm a nazi or something...

doesn't bother me though, a bit of controversy never hurt anyone.

Yeah I've been called a perfect Nazi at school/college because I have blonde hair/blue eyes and im 6 foot tall.....Oh yeah; and i've killed ten jews :ermm:

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Yeah I've been called a perfect Nazi at school/college because I have blonde hair/blue eyes and im 6 foot tall.....Oh yeah; and i've killed ten jews :ermm:

Hehe that made me laugh :lol:

edit: sorry just realized my post was rather pointless :ermm:

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A. Offensive

B. People being as open minded as we are on TF will NOT be happy that your trying to associate them with the likes of evil race hating dictators - Probs the most insulting thing you can do - you have your views, I dont think your speak for us all.

We just want justice, not extremes...

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whats the difference between a chav and a coconut

ones thick and hairy, the others a coconut... hahaha :lol: sorry couldent resist

but on the subject, i hate chavs and i used to get alot of shit from them because i had long hair. it made me a magnet for offence but then i got bored and shaved it and i havent had an incident since.

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I hate chavs , in school a group of about ten had hiden my school bag , i asked the main one where it was and the little twat punched me several times in my face , i punchede him and he fell down , hit him once more and walked away....

to be continued.

After school i was walking home when i felt a sudden blow to the back of my head, two of the biggest ones were punching me! I was not expecting this , by the time i had realised what happened they had hit me several times , almost broke my nose and were running off , i went crazy and chased them , and pounced on ones back and took him to the floor, there i was on his back , slamming his face into the ground shouting, Him and his mates left me alone ever since.

As for the other little Sh*t i rang in 'dob in a dealer' and told them about his drug dealing habits, i think he got sent to court :P

Nice to get satisfaction.

I suggest you wait and get your own back.

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Ditto. Its good to speak your mind, no one does it anymore because its illegal.

I thought free speech was legal here? i think it's just that free speech and political correctness tend to clash! f**k it wheres my white sheet and breif guide to anti christianity? i have a church to burn :shifty:

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I got some grief from some Chavs a while back. This seemed to work:

1. Stoppie to a halt as fast as possible (really LOUD brakes help here)

2. Dump bike on ground like you don't give a shit (make sure there's no other git around to nick it first obviously)

4. Start walking towards the f**kers at speed with a menacing face and a hand in your pocket. Possibly throw in summat to the effect of 'who the f**k do you think you are shitbreath?' (can't remember exactly what I said, this was a coupla years back now)

5. Drop bag/shrug coat off as you're walking.

They ran, never saw 'em again. I was probably 5 years older than them at the time though, so that probably made a difference.

Having said that, I've had grief off larger groups of chavs where doing summat like that would probably be a pretty bad idea (we just ignored 'em, or the other classic one is where we ran into some cops shortly after, whereupon we proceeded to tell them that some chav kids around the corner had just offered to sell us drugs of varying descriptions...)

Against your local village chavs who don't know you though, the first method works as long as they have a tiny bit of intelligence. Most of them are out to impress their mates rather than start a fight, so when you turn around like you're gonna do something they cack themselves; for all they know you could be a complete psychopath fresh out of jail/the nuthouse/wherever.

Admittedly if you're a hairy git like me then that probably helps :D To the guy who said long hair makes you a target, I disagree. It's the bike that gets most chavs into the 'mate-impressing' mode; taking the piss out of a bloke on a bike seems to give people satisfaction. In fact I reckon people are more likely to leave me alone because of my hair - I know loads of people with short hair who get grief off chavs, but I only ever get it when I'm on my bike. Off the thing no-one ever does/says owt to me. Most of my long-haired mates rarely get as much grief as my 'short hair' mates (jesus, sounds like I'm talking about cats or something)...

Either way I've not had to actually hit a chav to date. I'm sure the day will come though, these f**kers deserve all they get.

Blah, ignore at will, I'm probably talking out my arse again.

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You did the right thing, mate. I know it can be hard. And once the past is the past your always full of 'But, what if i did this?' and 'What if i did that?' thoughts floating about in your ind. But what you did was damn right.

Even though these chav pieces of f**king wank need to hearded together ona small island and nuking, you learn a lesson from what happens. (Y) Which, in all fairness, is good, and will make you more aware etc. next time!

Well done.



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all that wouldn't go down so well around these parts. You square off to one of them the other nicks your bike you turn to get him and another hits you to the floor they kick you in and piss off feeling good about themselves. I had a close call squaring up to one of them when i was with a friend, the guy i squared up to backed down but the rest of them didn't then he thought since he had his mates on his side he was hard so i ended up having a chase of the lot of them and shitting my kegs incase they caught me. But being the unfit tw*ts that they are they stopped after about 5 minutes. :angry:

Then again i never show fear if there are chavs hanging around. I'll just ride through the middle of them/around them

EDIT: oh and you know how if they square up to you...they usually will have their head up high as if to say "yes, i'm not scared" Just grab the top of their throat, and squeeze as hard as you can...you do this correctly and they will just drop to there knee's and be trying to breath, and if they pull away, keep holding they just have their throat ripped out then :)

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Anyone remember that farmer guy who shot 2 burglars? Why the f**k was he arrested for defending his own property. Those burglars shouldn't have been there in the first place. Its so silly, if they'd have slipped on his kitchen floor they probably could have sued (N) (N) :mellow:

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So you would have let them walk away, basicly what that farmer did was right, the main problem if with todays culture, chavs and asve is that the politics in this country are complete bollocks. Everything is way over the top, and its alright for the post bloody politions who have never had to have live a single day in REAL life and are escorted around in limo's, put Tony Blair in chatham on a saturday night and then see what he thinks, but the fact is they don't think like this, they just go by facts and figures and the complete political system in this country is bolloks, basicly i can't wait to be gone, this country is goin down the shithole, and everyones frightend to do anything about it with the ammount of 'racial' and 'discriminaion' threats against us.

Ok so its 2.15 in the morning and ive gone totaly off topic, but you've got to see my point?


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So you would have let them walk away, basicly what that farmer did was right, the main problem if with todays culture, chavs and asve is that the politics in this country are complete bollocks. Everything is way over the top, and its alright for the post bloody politions who have never had to have live a single day in REAL life and are escorted around in limo's, put Tony Blair in chatham on a saturday night and then see what he thinks, but the fact is they don't think like this, they just go by facts and figures and the complete political system in this country is bolloks, basicly i can't wait to be gone, this country is goin down the shithole, and everyones frightend to do anything about it with the ammount of 'racial' and 'discriminaion' threats against us.

Ok so its 2.15 in the morning and ive gone totaly off topic, but you've got to see my point?


Agree with everything you are saying there, the country is going down the shitter big time, I'm pissing off a.s.a.p, you can't say anything nowadays without being racist; sexist or ofending people :angry:

Edited by Joe_Kearney
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i remeber some kids trying to knock our dirtjumps down. one of the goby little girls asked me "what i was gonna do about it laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'" i replied "piss in your mouth, open wide"

thing is theres nothing you can do to gobby little girls but shock them with deviant forms of sexual gratification.

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Anyone remember that farmer guy who shot 2 burglars? Why the f**k was he arrested for defending his own property. Those burglars shouldn't have been there in the first place. Its so silly, if they'd have slipped on his kitchen floor they probably could have sued (N) (N) :mellow:

That farmer guy was arrested because he shot them, they both died, and he shot them whilst they were leaving his property.



I'm sure that one died and one got seriously injured but has survied...

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