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Chav Scum!


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Sorry to bring it up again, but, and its a bloody big but,

I went for a little fresh air yesterday up to my local jumps and on the way there I see a group of local chavs walking up the road the same way, feeling a tad unsure weather to go the same way or turn around and go elsewhere I decide that just because they dress in sportswear and go round in groups doesnt mean they pose a threat to me...


i ride past them not looking at any of them and just as I get past the last one....bang one of them throws a stone at me and it hits me in the face! nice of him i thought, so i look round and he shouts 'YEH WHAT!' so with gritted teeth i just carry on regardless rather than face an argument/beating off 6 chavs.

I mean i thought it through and figured to ride off is the best thing, as if i call the police, i have no evidence, they get a caution at the most, and I have to waste time talking to police, giving statements etc, then probably have the chavs trying to get their own back by egging my car (or assortment of chav things that piss you off)

So someone back me here, as im feeling pretty sheepish and wondering if i did the right thing?


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Sorry to bring it up again, but, and its a bloody big but,

I went for a little fresh air yesterday up to my local jumps and on the way there I see a group of local chavs walking up the road the same way, feeling a tad unsure weather to go the same way or turn around and go elsewhere I decide that just because they dress in sportswear and go round in groups doesnt mean they pose a threat to me...


i ride past them not looking at any of them and just as I get past the last one....bang one of them throws a stone at me and it hits me in the face! nice of him i thought, so i look round and he shouts 'YEH WHAT!' so with gritted teeth i just carry on regardless rather than face an argument/beating off 6 chavs.

I mean i thought it through and figured to ride off is the best thing, as if i call the police, i have no evidence, they get a caution at the most, and I have to waste time talking to police, giving statements etc, then probably have the chavs trying to get their own back by egging my car (or assortment of chav things that piss you off)

So someone back me here, as im feeling pretty sheepish and wondering if i did the right thing?


The police won't class it as a high priority incident, donuts will come first; it always appears that they don't care about general public safety. I think it was the best thing to do in terms of aggrivation, it'll just piss them off even more if you go to the bobbies; you did the right thing; just ignore them (Y)

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The police won't class it as a high priority incident, donuts will come first; it always appears that they don't care about general public safety. I think it was the best thing to do in terms of aggrivation, it'll just piss them off even more if you go to the bobbies; you did the right thing; just ignore them (Y)

cheers mate - always count on the forum to cheer you up!


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yeah, so maybe the police do bugger all about these things, but personally don't take shit from anyone,

not saying, go and stab them, but in a group of people, just circle the 1 who through the stone, and put the willies up him (no, not gang rape), just scare him, and chavs being chavs will shit themselfs,

he'll think twice before he tries anything beofre, failing that, baseball bats and f**k him up good and propper (Y)

violence does solve stuff,

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yeah, so maybe the police do bugger all about these things, but personally don't take shit from anyone,

not saying, go and stab them, but in a group of people, just circle the 1 who through the stone, and put the willies up him (no, not gang rape), just scare him, and chavs being chavs will shit themselfs,

he'll think twice before he tries anything beofre, failing that, baseball bats and f**k him up good and propper (Y)

violence does solve stuff,

If i was in town and it was a bunch of tits i dont know and will never see again, then fair point :angry: but these f*kers are village locals and will defo make it their aim in life to torment the sh*t out of me from now till dooms day

If I was king... :shifty:

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i woodnt have stodd for that, mindless verbal i can cope but anything phsyical drives me nuts, sum 10 year chav thow a rock and it landed near my foot so i launched a brick at him as hard as phsyicly possible, it was this close to his head | |, i seem to thow away all my principles and stop thinking when chavs annoy me. its a good job i didnt hit him, but regardless they carried on and i was SO f**king annoyed, if there were older, i would have had no problem in walked over there and punching him sqaure in the nose.

theres gonna be some 16 year old chav one day push me to far and i feel sorry for him.

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sum 10 year chav thow a rock and it landed near my foot so i launched a brick at him as hard as phsyicly possible, it was this close to his head | |


Some 10/11 year old c**ts wearing chav gear and smoking, (yes, i couldnt believe my eyes at these tiny kids smoking) tryed shoving a stick through my wheel, i just turned around and shouted "what the f**k do you think your doing" and they got like really scared and ran off...

Edited by adamtrials
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If theres a group of them together but just one of them that started it your best to walk straight up to him ignoring the others and ask him what the f**k he thinks he's doing and just twat him one.

I've seen the same kind of thing with my mate and because he didn't seem to give a shit that the other chavs were there nothing happened to him, everytime they saw him they'd shout something to him but as soon as he walked over to them they shut up completely and even apologised for shouting at him. This was with just him against 10 or so of them :huh: .

If they were older/harder than you though i would probably advise against doing this and just calmly walk away. If you run your just asking for them to do something else to see if they can make you run faster.

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Its alrite you lot saying oh id just smack the one that threw it, because your sat at a computer posting on a forum but i reckon it wud be a different story if some of you had been there obviously there will be the odd mentalist among you that will hospitalize chavs all the time but a group of people can be intimidating although if a rock hit me i wud be quite pissed :angry:

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Sorry to bring it up again, but, and its a bloody big but,

I went for a little fresh air yesterday up to my local jumps and on the way there I see a group of local chavs walking up the road the same way, feeling a tad unsure weather to go the same way or turn around and go elsewhere I decide that just because they dress in sportswear and go round in groups doesnt mean they pose a threat to me...


i ride past them not looking at any of them and just as I get past the last one....bang one of them throws a stone at me and it hits me in the face! nice of him i thought, so i look round and he shouts 'YEH WHAT!' so with gritted teeth i just carry on regardless rather than face an argument/beating off 6 chavs.

I mean i thought it through and figured to ride off is the best thing, as if i call the police, i have no evidence, they get a caution at the most, and I have to waste time talking to police, giving statements etc, then probably have the chavs trying to get their own back by egging my car (or assortment of chav things that piss you off)

So someone back me here, as im feeling pretty sheepish and wondering if i did the right thing?


Personally, I think you did the right thing. About 6 years ago I got jumped by a large group of chavs, one of them carrying a pool que. I took the beating without fighting back because I guessed that if I had fought back I would have been ten times worse off. In other words, brains over braun.

yeah, so maybe the police do bugger all about these things, but personally don't take shit from anyone,

not saying, go and stab them, but in a group of people, just circle the 1 who through the stone, and put the willies up him (no, not gang rape), just scare him, and chavs being chavs will shit themselfs,

he'll think twice before he tries anything beofre, failing that, baseball bats and f**k him up good and propper (Y)

violence does solve stuff,

Yes, it does. But if you're out-numbered then fighting them is stupid.

It's ok saying, "I would just walk into the group and slap the offender." But why do that? You can't garuntee the rest won't jump on you. I know that around here the packs of chavs all just "jump in" if their mate is fighting.

I would just back down, head home, pick up my baseball bat and pay them a visit with fairer odds.

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Yes, it does. But if you're out-numbered then fighting them is stupid.

if you're out numbered and your going to get a smack best thing you csn do is suprise them and hit the biggest one until he's knocked out then the rest will just f**k off or you might get one or two of them trying to batter you but just hit them aswell, they soon get the message.

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Some 10/11 year old c**ts wearing chav gear and smoking, (yes, i couldnt believe my eyes at these tiny kids smoking) tryed shoving a stick through my wheel, i just turned around and shouted "what the f**k do you think your doing" and they got like really scared and ran off...

theres a girl whos 11 in the paper whois 8month pregnant and she drinks vodca like its water and is sat ther in the pic with a bottle of vodca smoking a fag, and her mum is smoking heroin, in the picture.


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if you're out numbered and your going to get a smack best thing you csn do is suprise them and hit the biggest one until he's knocked out then the rest will just f**k off or you might get one or two of them trying to batter you but just hit them aswell, they soon get the message.

Can you garuntee that the biggest one doesn't punch like a train has hit you? No. Bide your time and crack their skulls open when the odds are against them.

However if you have to take a beating, take it like a man. Fighting back only gets you worse in the shit. Or, if like me you're a vicious b*****d (now-a-days, back when I got jumped I was weedy!) just try to gauge out their eyes, kick them in the balls, plant your forearm in their jaw, punch them as hard as possible in the Jugular (can cause a stroke (Y) ), whatever it takes to get the job done and come out in one piece... dirty fighting is the way to win a ruck.

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Some 10/11 year old c**ts wearing chav gear and smoking, (yes, i couldnt believe my eyes at these tiny kids smoking) tryed shoving a stick through my wheel, i just turned around and shouted "what the f**k do you think your doing" and they got like really scared and ran off...

They must of been right pussies to have been scared of you...

hehe :)

I've had stones thrown at me, chased with sticks and been flobbed on. All of these cases were resolved in the end. Threw bricks back, got bigger stick and chased them, and proper greenied on them. You did do the right thing, I reckon. If they are in a group it's not worth trying anything. Unless your like a giant.

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However if you have to take a beating, take it like a man. Fighting back only gets you worse in the shit. Or, if like me you're a vicious b*****d (now-a-days, back when I got jumped I was weedy!) just try to gauge out their eyes, kick them in the balls, plant your forearm in their jaw, punch them as hard as possible in the Jugular (can cause a stroke (Y) ), whatever it takes to get the job done and come out in one piece... dirty fighting is the way to win a ruck.

if you have to retaliate in desprate times just hit them square in the bridge of the nose - it will probably break and there tears will make them semi blinded then you have time to run away

but NEVER get into a fight with you bike - not only would you risk your sexy face but also a 1000 quid bike or whatever

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Sorry i just had to bring this up, me and my friends were started on by a gang of emo's there was about 10 of them they thought we were a rival post code :S (RG4's anainst RG10's even though we we are RG4's if that make sense) and at first they were like nice and started talking to us then walked off and come back abit later on saying they were gonna beat us up and and saying we have been "tagging" in there area. We were like um sorry we don't want a fight we are peaceful they were like lets have a peaceful fight you lay on the ground we kick you. But we stood our ground and after some time they got bored of trying to make us hit them first and walked off.


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Aye done right thing I'd say but I would of love to teach them a lesson especialy a rock in thee face that's over board for kme, but yeah since you had a bike and a group it depends how tough the rest are aswell and if you would think you will surive thee best. But yeah made the right desicion at that situation.

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we've just witnessed a group of chavs thought it would be funny to throw some stones and stink bombs into a chippy. But what was actually funny was the speed at which the ran like pussies when a cop car drove past

:lol: :lol: (Y)

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i've taken on a group of 4 with just me, they start so i said "your mum" and grabbed wood and throw it at me, so i went up against them, everyone got bloody noses, and i got alittle worse but not much, and i'm not ever that big

but they never try it again, soon as your confront someone chances are they will pussy out and leave you be

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i would have thrown me bike down, marched up though the biggest laryest 'ring leader' one there and without saying a word, cracked him in the nose so hard that he wouldnt wake up in a week.. then the rest will either piss off, or start a rumble, to wich i will try me hardest and leave knowing that i taught one of them a lesson <_<

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Do you want to say that the chavs which abuse you guys are like 10-15 years old? It looks like our chavs have had the time to grow up, because the average age is about 20, and they're therefore more dangerous and more stupid. If I get stopped by a guy like that, I just start speaking in english and their reaction is more or less "shit, he won't understand he is to give us his phone, what do we do now?"

Did the same in Scotland a year ago, some little shits walked up to us wanting to sell us some "smack" (whatever it was, sounded like a drug but my mate thought it was something to do with a gay party), when we burst into laughter they stared abusing us, so we spoke to them in Polish and they started abusing us further, so we approached them, said "f**k off" and they were off in no time. Gits

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yea the chavs round ere (chatham - chav central) are getin older -20 + but they are generally ok .. its the younger ones like 15-19 that are the problem. most of the older ones are too stoned/drunk to be assed anymore...or i know them from school etc and get along with them... but the younger ones, that dont no you, there the asses!

my advice would be.... grow some muscle, and people dont mess with you, cos they assume everyone with muscle , is a nutcase of a fighter!! :S i have had so many people say they would be shit scared to get in a fight with me cos i am now 'hench' :P but i think the real reason theyre scared is cos of my Huge cock :P hehe

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