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Uci Spa Francochamps (whatever...) Vid.

Mark W

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Just watched the vid - mad good! 18 minutes, 228Mb.

Lots of Butler at the start, and then just Belaey, Vincent, Benito and so on later. Some insane riding though, it gives you a pretty good idea of how insanely hard it all is!

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holy crap that was amazing! some of that riding was completly out of hand! and hermance actually stacked something ive never really seen haha benitos mod is the sex aswell, hope they make a 26 version!

right, wheres the nearest wet rock!

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That was brilliant really entertaining natural trials vid. Danny's style looks so nice. I like how Caisso is really cool about it after he falls off.

I think that is the first video of pro riders that looks like they are "going for it" I have seen.

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Great video! Benito looks a little worn out when hes bails like hes just exausted.......thought they would be really fit at that level, but the sections do look really hard

I wanna see tunni try some of this ^_^

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gooooood vid, however it just doesn't even grasp how muddy it was like all videos they don't show everything perfect and it was rediculous how muddy it was but still good sections it was enjoyable even in the shite weather (Y)

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