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mr ailsbury

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However, magnetism can kill, it's well known that magnetic fields of 2.5 Teslas and above seriously mess with people, echo could be dead, we didn't know all of Libby's back story and she's dead for starters.

Also undergorund explosions don't tend to throw rocks and debris everywhere.

But I still reckon you're right. :lol:

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However, magnetism can kill

Don't those mri machines in hospitals generate large magnetic forses?

I'll be really suprised if they're dead.

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MRI machines at most now go up to 1.5 ish, there are a fair few experiments right now going on to see how much people can take, but 2.5 and above seems to feck with your balance and make you nauseous, at least thats what the head of the local MRI unit said. (Y)

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MRI machines at most now go up to 1.5 ish, there are a fair few experiments right now going on to see how much people can take, but 2.5 and above seems to feck with your balance and make you nauseous, at least thats what the head of the local MRI unit said. (Y)

Maby that's why charlie was all weird. Hummmm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget the rabbit's It'll be cows and sheep next week ....with Bill bloody Odie!

Someone tell me ......Is it worth it in the end? I'm so sick of mystery on top of mystery.

PS: I'm not reading the above posts .....just in case. :-

not really no lol

just download em all off limewire and see for yourself lol i was really impatiant and couldn't be arsed with the whole one episode a week for 24 weeks thing and watched them all over like 2 days lol

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  • 2 months later...

Can't wait till the new season.

Best show ever, woohoo!

What do you all think is going to happen in the new season?

Lets place some perdictions.

One perdiction that I have is that Michael is going to come back and save people.

Another that I have is that another plane is going to crash.


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