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Mod Or 26"?


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Havn't ridden trials for a good 2 years now, and even then it was a mixture of street/trials.. just wanted to know whether to go for 20 or 26"... im sure this is a HUGE debate but just pointers would help.. im 6'2 if tht makes ne dif ;)

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Hi, I am tempted to say 26" because of you're height but so many people would say different......

Organize a ride near you and have a shot on as many mods and as many stock (26") and see which you prefer.

Good luck with making you're choice though.

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HERE is a good topic, it gives pros and cons about both bikes.


P.s I still cant get the hang of having the link to the topic with the name i give it, you know like most people have 'HERE' instead of the whole link. I know that you have to click on the wee globe but i am not sure where i go from there any help is much appreciated. I am sorry if this happens to take up you're thread.

EDIT: Thanks to 'onzaboymark' i now know how you name the likes :) So thanks allot, but for some reason it comes up with this page can't be displayed (N)

So i am sorry for that.

Edited by Onzaallen
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Here is a good topic, it gives pros and cons about both bikes.


P.s I still cant get the hang of having the link to the topic with the name i give it, you know like most people have 'HERE' instead of the whole link. I know that you have to click on the wee globe but i am not sure where i go from there any help is much appreciated. I am sorry if this happens to take up you're thread.

All you do is type in:

[url=http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/whateverthelinkis]Type in what you want to appear[/url]

Then, it turns up. e.g. Link (Y)

If you're on a budget, mod may be a better idea. However, if you can afford to spend more, then a new stock would be more reachable. Mod full builds (an ideal choice for you if you're starting) tend to be a lot cheaper than a stock full build, and be much better spec'd in comparison.

Riding wise, you'll get used to whatever you get, really. If you learn on mods you'll adapt to how mods work, but if you learn on stock you'll adapt to stocks basically. There's no 'right' answer, and you won't know what you want to do on your bike 'til you get one, basically. Just find one that's the right price for you and go for it (Y)

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Havn't ridden trials for a good 2 years now, and even then it was a mixture of street/trials.. just wanted to know whether to go for 20 or 26"... im sure this is a HUGE debate but just pointers would help.. im 6'2 if tht makes ne dif ;)

i would prefer to say 26 but on the other hand i ave a mate and he is about 6ft and he rides 20inch and he is briliant

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I started on 20" and fount it amazing then i went up to 26" after a year for about 6 months but with all the problems i had with the bike (saracen 2.6 - not good in my eyes now to be honest) i went back down to 20" and ever since then i have progressed alot!

20" are a helll of a lot easier to throw about etc, but with your height it probibly would be best to go with a 26" as riding a 20" may feel a wee bit uncumfortable but i dont know, its your choice really!

the best thing to do would probibly be have ablast on them both and see what you think is best

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Hello iam the same size and i ride both mod and stock i find mod easier because of the size of it. But i also like stock to ride because of my size and it is bigger and imo look better doing stuff on a stock.

But try to ride both and say what you like more to ride go on different stocks and mod from small wheelbase like then new onza t-max for mod and Adamant A2 for stock for the small wheelbase then for a bit longer go for a zoo python or a zona zip and for stock go for a GU Typhoon or Czar Ivan.

hope this help

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