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We Are All Going To Die, Today?


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Could happen.

A big chunk of gran cararia is planning to fall into the sea at anytime.

Doubt it will happen tomorrow though :P

edit: meh, spose I should have read it not just looked at the pic, commets eh.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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Die Ausmasse von diesem Obiekt werden zu klein sein um von unseren Telescopen bemerkt zu werden, da es als ein kleines als ob verschleiertes Fragment von einem Kometen erscheint.Die Wissenschaftler werden von ihm voellig überrascht sein,zu wenig Zeit wird verbleiben es kommen zu sehen, knapp einige Dutzend von Stunden. Dieser Fragment- Brocken wird hoechstwahrscheinlich von dem Kometen 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 32 zur Zeit am nächsten zur Erde am 14. mai 20063 vorbeiziehen; etwas mehr als zehn Millionen Kilometer Entfernung der Erde zum Mond4 .Entprechend einer von der NASA Simulation berechneten Winkeln. Das letzte Mal ging dieser Komet so nah der Erde beim Überqueren der ecliptischen Bahn am 25. Mai 1947! Es ist das Zero Jahr /Null/ von der UFO Ära mitsamt der be-rühmten Beobachtungen von Kenneth Arnold und der Rosswell Bruchlandung

well, in other words, they've encrypted a message saying "its bullshit".

still, i can't wait, will be interesting to see it on the telly

edit: goodnight people, hope we're not dead tomorrow after all, that would suck :(

Edited by Inur
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I love the many diagrams trying to baffle everyone! He should have chosen a date way in the future so that he could set up a cult during his lifetime.

He believes that Aliens made the crop circles.....no one's told him about the merry pub going hoaxsters that love to churn these things out

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someone somewhere would of seen the comet by now.

100% untrue. Ask any astronomer what the chances are of us spotting a commet before it hits earth, and they are TINY. The whole, 'big fireball' in the sky thing is total rubbish. It's genrally said if a commet WERE to hit earth most people would get no notice at all. Commets are VERY hard to spot, they don't emit (or genrally reflect) light, and almost all the telescopes on earth are dedicated to looking into deep space, and amateur telescopes would never see a commet.

note: thats just a fact, i'm not actually saying a comet will hit us :P

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100% untrue. Ask any astronomer what the chances are of us spotting a commet before it hits earth, and they are TINY. The whole, 'big fireball' in the sky thing is total rubbish. It's genrally said if a commet WERE to hit earth most people would get no notice at all. Commets are VERY hard to spot, they don't emit (or genrally reflect) light, and almost all the telescopes on earth are dedicated to looking into deep space, and amateur telescopes would never see a commet.

note: thats just a fact, i'm not actually saying a comet will hit us :P

What about that (not sure how you spell it) hail bop comet that was around a few years back? Looked like a car headlight.. without the car :P

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well, in other words, they've encrypted a message saying "its bullshit".

still, i can't wait, will be interesting to see it on the telly

edit: goodnight people, hope we're not dead tomorrow after all, that would suck :(

I've found an encrypted message in your post that says 'I am Gay'. No offence, just making a point :P

Bring the Tsunami on.

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Whats happened to you darling. If it happens im gonna go down the prom and get pics

Found out that lisa does like me but its abit complicated, then she started to get al flirty with rob even though her mate said theyre just mates.

I f**kin hate emotions, dont half f**k me about haha

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