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Fresh Products Lever


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Sweeeet man! I saw this on the site earlier today actually. They look f**king mint. They're similar-ish to what Ali C has done to his lever and made it more specific for 'advanced trials riders' if you get my meaning. More leaning towards riders using 1 finger on the brake.

Also they look really well made and finished. Professional job (Y)

If you think about it, your hand won't conflict with where the TPA is on that lever, so it's ideal. Looks snazzy too and is light from the sounds of things.

Awesome products guys :D

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how long does it take for these babies to get delivered?

Sent the money (via payal) late one night, obviously didn't come the morning after, but after that. As quick as possible really.

It's 41g's by the way, compared to 33g of the magura leaver (not like it make any difference).

Just come in matt black.

Edited by JT!
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With the egg timer bolt thing being really long does that mean you get shed loads of TPA? or does the amount of TPA stay about the same as with the standard lever blade?

I am very tempted. Infact i think i will almost definately get one as all the FP stuff ive had so far has been top notch (Y)

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With the egg timer bolt thing being really long does that mean you get shed loads of TPA? or does the amount of TPA stay about the same as with the standard lever blade?

Yeah, loads of tpa to play with, even though i personally try to have my maguras set up so that i have non on, it's still usefull. I supose you could go too far though, never done it befor so i don't really know.

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i would like to see one for the 2005+ maguras now the new shape stuff.

it would be JUST as easy to do as that all you have to do is get the "fitting" bit, where the leaver leans on the master cylinder right and then drill a hole @ the bottom side of the lever, fit a "circle dial" with a better material something like stainless and the same push rod style BUT one that is pointing out of the bottom of the lever.

would be swarve. i bet no one could do it though? :P entries to me :lol:

if someone could make one, id be impressed.it has to work though too (Y):)


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They are fookin SEXUAL lever blades!!!! Think im in love with them........

I was planning on buying one but then I was in a crash and smashed my 04 lever so bought the 05/06 version so I wont beable to run the Fresh Products unless I buy another 04 lever but I really cant be arsed plus I dont really have the funds to do that... booohoooo! Acht well looks like i'll just have to buy the Zoo Lever from tartybikes OR.... Aarron could make one for the 05+ **Hint hint nudge nudge cough cough** :-

I may have to buy another 04 lever likes... I cant get over how mint they look and they would feel incredible!!!!!!!!! :)

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:S I thought the new 05 levers were poo because they werent as strong as the 04 ones... why put something good onto something bad? Its like spending a fortune on wheels, body work, seats on a 1.1 vauxhal corsa.

The new 05 leavers are ok, the tpa isn't really much better.

These FP leavers are for the 04 leavers.

What do you mean by...

why put something good onto something bad?

...? :huh:

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I heard there was some bad feed back from the new magura lever body that they break at the joint near were it clamps to the bar...any ways never mind. <_<

The FP leavers are for the 04 leaver body, so it's allll good.

Tried mine today and it's great, i'll leave a proper review when i'm sobre.

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