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Koxx Blocks , What Coulour To Get ?

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why you just getting koxx as i think zoo, plazmatic, and heatsink reds are better i'm also i've heard very good things about coust pads which should be arriving at my door tomorrow :)

edit: all the information about koxx pads that you'l need to know (Y) (wasnt very hard to find)

- Browns remain the choice of a number of riders, outlasting pretty much all the pads on the market, while still providing good performance in all conditions.

- Red and Yellow were later introduced, which boast better dry weather performance with slightly less impressive wear rate. Ideal for those wanting maximum performance in the dry.

- The Blue and Green compounds are designed to perform excellently in wet weather, but still provide good dry-weather performance. An ideal winter pad!

- All colours assembled into brand new Power Pad backings to ensure safety and no clip life problems.

Recommended Use

Brown: Medium grind, dry or wet weather, with or without tar. Great wear life.

Red/Yellow: Medium or light grind, dry weather, with or without tar.

Blue/Green: Medium or light grind, wet weather, without tar.

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Why don't you sit on that thumb and stop yourself talking out your arse?

Seriously, you keep doing that and its bloody annoying, you click it thinking someone might have actually wrote something worth looking at...but no.

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Why don't you sit on that thumb and stop yourself talking out your arse?

Seriously, you keep doing that and its bloody annoying, you click it thinking someone might have actually wrote something worth looking at...but no.

Dont cry :ermm:

I asked for that information and he gave me it , So Thats (Y) For me? Isnt it

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